muoy khnhom ban pung aoy bng pi setth del chea mitt phokte chitasnetth
robsa bdei khnhom mk chuoy chaphteah proh btei robsakhnhom keat
chenhtow phnompenh chamnuon 3 thngai . knong phteah da sngatchrongom
bng pi setth keat sa mreak now cheabmeat tvea bantob khnhom proh phteah
min thom te . thveitbet keat chea borsa pohmeay mean ayou cheang 5 0
chhnam haeyka daoy ka keat nowte mean kamleang ach chuoy dangtuk ning
kab osa ban der . keat mean meadthom cheang btei khnhom ning reang
khpasa sambour khmaw . maong 6lngeach thngai keat mk dl khnhom ka
riebcham baytuk choun keat pisaear ruoch ka riebchamkre samreab keat sa
mreak nowmoukh bantob khnhom proh khnhom khlach khmaoch .
nowmoukh bantob khnhom angkouy reab ning kre knong chhout chaom niyeay knea pinihpinoh cheamuoy keat kraom ponlu changkieng phlong . chamnek bng pi setth keat ka sliek kr mea tamothommotea tomret khluon leu kre daoy boe t bari b ntae r banghouyophsaeng trolom towleu. . daembi chea kar doengkoun ning yokchett keat khnhom ka samrechchett chaul tow angkouy leu kre cheamuoy keat daembi chrabeach cheung choun keat del phlech teang min ban phlasa saamliekbampeak .
pit nasa haey bng pi setth pitchea trauvkar kar yokchett pi anak choumvinh khluon nasa min tha ke ryy khnhom noh te.... . kayvikear robsakhnhom hakdauchchea thveuaoy keat penhchett sarsaer min dach pi meat te champoh khnhom chetnea la robsakhnhom hakdauchchea houm p tth daoy avei myeang ning hakdauchchea ttuol ar mm na blek rk tha min trauv proh phnek khnhom hakdauchchea bankheunh vottho myeang robsa keat pel del dai robsakhnhom chrabeach tow kien klphlow keat thm m . khnhom kitthea keat brahelcha minban chab ar mm na champoh kr mea del keat sliek noh te kr mea robsa keat hakdauchchea khaech laeng leu bantich thveuaoy khnhom ach meul kheunhochbasa pi vottho brachoam trakaul robsa keat aetakbal mk chr ngk bonokdai tr b leu kansaomopng keat thveuaoy khnhom ttuol ar mm na tkslot ning khlach proh bae thieb tow ning robsa btei khnhom ku khosaknea chhngaynasa ku robsa keat thom proh kreante loun kbal mk ku dauchchea psavek baek ppe anhchung thom haey khmawkroeb .
khnhom kham louch samlung tow vottho robsa bng pi setth daoy yokchett toukdeak ning your mtong ka samlung tow meul moukh keat der te keat hakdauchchea min chab ar mm na saoh brahel 1srabk srabte psavek keat ngeublaeng dauch psa phot pi kr mea braveng muoy chamam kanleah nowchampohmoukh khnhom srab pel del keat phnheak phng der . keat dauchchea meankar ienokhmasa yeang khlang champoh avei del lech thloh nowchampohmoukh khnhom bonte samreab khnhom ka kampoung ttuol kar ienokhmasa ning phitphy phng der srab pel del keat kham l mlu ng meul moukh khnhom min dakphnek .
khnhom ttuol ar mm na tha bng pi setth brahelcha mean ar mm na yeangna te champoh khnhom keat kham yk dai khtab psavek robsa keat penh muoy dai te now min ach boe t bang ban proh vea nowte lien chenh tam de keat bangheanh pi mead vea thomveng ning kuor aoy khlach nasa samreab khnhom . khnhom doeng tha keat hakdauchchea mean ar mm na athrkambang myeang champoh khnhom . khnhom kham aon moukh choh te ponlu changkieng phlu ronteal now champimoukh tiet . keat ban niyeay mokkan khnhom teang peaky sa mti rdakrdob dauchneh : aoy bng saumtosa phng!... proh nih vea chea rueng chaidany te bng kmean chetnea te.. na aun.. khnhom ngkkbal tech tb ning sa mti keat te keat hakdauchchea banhchenh akar pi tamrek robsa keat champoh khnhom towvinh.... keat ban angael kbal psavek robsa keat thm m nowchampohmoukh khnhom ruoch niyeay tha eng dek tow !... cheang 2 0 chhnam haey eng min del skal rosacheate me yeangmech te.. hi y!.. samngom dek townea a chr mk...... . keat kham samlungmoukh khnhom daoy moutmoam srab pel del khnhom bamroung choh pi leu kre chaul tow bantob te chett muoy nuk anet keat del pohmeay yourochhnamokhaey haey avei del keat niyeay noh hakdauchchea chng brab khnhom tha : keat pit dach robb ( aveimuoy noh your mk der) teub keat niyeay bebyeang nih .
knong saamliekbampeak chaompoung khnhom hakdauchchea mean a mm na phyokhlach champoh keat nasa proh pelnih meante yeung pir neak bo nnaah . khnhom pitchea anet keat champoh peaky keat niyeay te khnhom kitthea khnhom min ach braprutt avei phte sa phta sa bante ryy kbat btei khnhom laey . ti banhchob keat nowte niyeay peaky ddel noh mokkan khnhom tiet stab tow hakdauchchea keat chng angvor khnhom som kar ylprom aveimuoy pi khnhom haey . haey avei del phyokhlach samreab khnhom noh ku kar del khnhom min ach tbchett ban ning hakdauchchea mean ar mm na prupruoch rk sman min trauv pel del kheunh psa vek keat ngeub kbal yeang thom nowchampohmoukh .
pelnih ar mm na khnhom vul vl staer rk kit min chenh srab pel del bng pi setth kraokachhr bangheanh psavek thom veng khmaw dak khnhom daoy kmeanoavei betbang saoh . khnhom pit min chng thleakkhluon tow knong amnach tanha robsa keat te.... te khnhom nowte min chng kraok chenhpi tinoh ddel hakdauchchea meanchett muoy mk bangkham khnhom aoy ttuol rien bt pisaoth na pi mnoussa meadthom dauch keat daembi doeng tha mnoussa meadthom haey porpenh daoy kamleang ning psavek thom bebnih ning mean rosacheate ning khosablek pi btei khnhom bonna towvinh .
khnhom chhr kitthea : keat pohmeay yourochhna bebnih pitchea sahav, mean bt pisaoth na ning cheapisesa ku tukkeam robsa keat brahelcha khab ning sambour daoy chivcheate pithaey meul tow.. khnhom nowte phyokhlach der del bae tohbeicha bng pi setth brab tha : « nih kreante chea merien leukdambaung samreab khnhom» bonnaoh . tae vea chea merien avei tow....? keat ka aoy khnhom mk kber.. khnhom kham tb chomhr srab pel del keat choh pi leu kre mk kber khnhom.... ruoch keat ka rounh khnhom thnam aoy aon tow rk kbal kre pelnoh khnhom ttuol ar mm na tha « lveng kraom khnhom hakdauch mean vottho myeang tn kampoung romkel mk rk dambauk measa khnhom.....» khnhom doeng tha brahelcha dlpel del khnhom rien merien aveimuoy noh pi keat haey...... te vea hakdauchchea ttuol ar mm na tha blek rhaut dl min nukasman tha khnhom kampoung trauv bng pi setth chhmuo sa chhmoul lveng kraom bat tow haey tom roam doeng tha merien del keat bangrien noh vea chea bt pisaoth na cheaksteng del keat kampoung krasaob kay khnhom teang khluon n l kok dauchneh .
khnhom bramoul ar mm na stoh chenhpi karbietbien robsa keat now lveng kraom khnhom te khnhom nowte min ach ddel..... proh pelnih dambauk measa robsakhnhom hak kampoung trauv a nta da kokreat robsa keat li t chonhchok boe t yk rosacheate del chreab chenhpi knong laeang houm p tth daoy smaw khcheilvok now sangkheang... . keat pit thveuaoy khnhom pibeak troam nasa... khnhom phlech tha keat chea anaknea tow haey..... haey avei kampoung trauv thveudamnaer tow cheamuoy keat teangosrong baukruom teang lveng leu phng der ku keat chabphtaem saamatakhluon khnhom daoy a nta t noh haey .
khnhom kham niyeay tow rk keat staer phot samleng mtong : bng pi setth... bng pi setth.... bonnoeng ban haey... au y bng aey!..... aun rsaeb nasa..!.. ne’. bng... au y! »... khnhom niyeay daoy angvor keat mtong haey mtong tiet te keat nowte bantosakammopheap yeang tkkrahl mk leu dangokhluon khnhom. . khnhom kit tha pelnih min tha te khnhom te del brachhommoukh ning sthanphap bebnih te ka mean mnoussa srei srei phsaeng tiet del ach mean bt pisaoth na dauch khnhom nih ning banteabmk puokke ning ttuol ar mm na dauch khnhom cheak cheaminkhan .
phnek khnhom kham samlung aon tow meul lveng khangokraom porpenh daoy ar mm na sraebasral bamphot proh dambauk measa del khetkham leak touk samreab te btei nowpel nih kampoung ttuol ban nouv karbaosasaamat, nhinhk ning chhlokchhli kmean sal chanloh trangna. . bng pi setth keat kampoungte chhnganh ning dambauk khnhom khlang nasa... keat mindoeng tha pelnih khnhom kampoung haohhaer dl tinea laey. . de da bi n brasab robsa keat ka chabphtaem srava chab kaunophnom teangpir robsakhnhom.... keat brae a nta t lu t reangkay khnhom sapvokanleng knea n sal trangna te .. banteabmk keat ka chabdai khnhom aoy kan psavek robsa keat del kampoungte baek ppe yeang thom veng huosapi karosman thveuaoy khnhom phnheak ttuol ar mm na sre v sraeb. . keat niyeay mokkan khnhom tha aun trauvkar vea te? bng ning chakthnam aoy aun..... kom khlach ei!... stab vea meul vea thom haey veng vea pitchea thveuaoy aun sokh sruol cheang pelna teangoasa aun trauvkar vea te? .
khnhom ka stab neakreach robsa keat khnhom kitthea pitchea thomcheang neakreach btei khnhom khlang nasa.. khnhom kreante chng doeng tha brasenbae bng pi setth aoy neakreach loun chaul knong dambauk measa khnhom noh vea pitchea thveu aoy dambauk khnhom rik meatthom ryy breh snam kante khlang ning ach mean chomrow kante chrow . vea ning pruosa pisa penh dambauk khnhom del thveuaoy khnhom chhu mindoeng tha ach trea ban ryy yeangna te!.. . khnhom kham luong chett khluoneng tha bae min aoy neakreach keat chaul pelnih te pitchea kuor aoy anet keat nasa proh keat chea mnoussa pohmeay dach yourochhnam haey bae anet keat trauvte han leahbng karchhucheab ning baucha choun keat ka min ei der .
karosamrech chett robsakhnhom ban chhean dl damnakkal hnoenghaey proh kbal neakreach robsa keat kampoung baek ppe khlang nasa... keat ka aoy khnhom kraokachhr tlmoukh keat knong akar nonl kok khnhom kham ngeuymeul moukh keat del khpasa. . keat niyeay suor banhcheak khnhom tha aun trauvkar neakreach bng chaul tow knong dambauk measa aun te!.. aun trauvkar vea te?.. minoasachett keat ka lout chongkong tlmoukh khnhom aon kbal tow chhmou sa chhmoul laeang measa khnhom mtong tiet rhautadl keat kitthea laeang measa khnhom kampoung rik meat vea rngcham neakreach loun keat chaul haey.... teub keat kraokachhr haey aoy khnhom chhr phtab tow ning chonhcheang daoy hoch lveng kraoy aoy keat. . khnhom doeng tha dai keat kampoung chab nhek sach trakak khnhom daembi touk phlauv aoy neakreach keat loun chaul. . trakak khnhom pelnih hakdauchchea hek chenhpi knea ruoch keat leanmeat tha laeang aun thom mean tukhaur chreab sapvokanleng min tauch noh te haey meat laeang vinh mean pnrkrahm sai chompou r ach aoy neakreach bng loun chaul ban haey . ly sa mti nih phleam khnhom mean ar mm na rompheub proh kitthea dambauk measa khnhom ach ttuolosvakom aoy neakreach keat chaulvaylouk khnhom ngeak mk nhnhum tech dak keat daoy ktei rompheub ning prom aoy neakreach keat loun chaul tam kar banhchea robsa keat .
mounnung banhchea neakreach keat aoy chaul knong a ntae k measa khnhom bng pi setth ka aon kbal tow li tmeat laeang mtong tiet hakdauchchea mintean chhaet. thveuaoy khnhom stae haeb cheung mtong tow haey. . ilauv khnhom ttuol ar mm na tha laeang khnhom kampoung trauv neakreach keat loun chaul sansaum haey proh khnhom mean ar mm na tha nen nowtrang briven a ntae k measa nasa..... bng pi setth ban banhchea aoy khnhom aon kbal chohkraom ruoch keat bok pikraoy yeang tkkrahl muoy khlang staer yom mtong .. keat hak min anet khnhom te khnhom ka kitthea nih brahelcha keat at me yourhaey teub thveusakammopheap sahav yeangnih ku khlang cheang btei khnhom 1 0 0 dng enaoh . btei khnhom min ach thieb ning keat bante ilauv keat kampoung veayobrahear dambauk measa khnhom kante khlang laeng cheang kanleahmaong neakreach keat nowte mintean pruosa pisa mk tiet khnhom kham tb staer tnchongkong haey. .
brahek chea 1maong teub neakreach keat pruosa pisa chaul penh laeang khnhom yeang khab dom dauch tukdaohko . khnhom saum sarphap tha bng pi setth pitchea mnoussa del mean kamleang khlang aschary men pelnih haey del khnhom ttuol sechaktei sokh pit pi kar ruomphet cheamuoy keat . tampit kanlongomk btei khnhom min del phtal sechaktei sokh bebnih dl khnhom te ku keat atmaniym nasa min del ausa banleaypel your yeang nih te ning thveuaoy khnhom sokh sruol mdong ka at der . khnhom kitthea ilauv mean bng pi setth del mean samotthaphap khang ruomrk dauchneh vea pitchea la nasa samreab khnhom .
bng pi setth ban niyeay mokkan khnhom tha « bng nung mokleng aun aoy ban nhuknheab»!.. khnhom nhnhum ngkkbal tech dak keat.. te mean pelokhleah khnhom kohk btei tha « mokleng srokkamnaet» te tampit ku khnhom ban skat mk chuob bng pi setth chea nhuknheab slae r chea riengreal sa bta ha banteabpi puok yeung ban ruomrk knea mtong mk proh khnhom nukadl neakreach robsa keat del veng ning thom noh .
khnhom min kuor yk rueng nih mk b k sa r y chou m mitt anakaean noh te! te nih chea rueng pit ning chea bt pisaoth na muoy samreab anak del minothleab ban sechakdeisokh pi kar ruomphet proh bdei prongeuyokanteuy . brasenbae anak ach thveu tow ban noh vea chea kar brasaer ning ban skal rosacheate mnoussa mead moam dauchchea bng pi setth anhchung der . kuor aoy sraleanh penhchett keat nasa... samreab khnhom!!!
nowmoukh bantob khnhom angkouy reab ning kre knong chhout chaom niyeay knea pinihpinoh cheamuoy keat kraom ponlu changkieng phlong . chamnek bng pi setth keat ka sliek kr mea tamothommotea tomret khluon leu kre daoy boe t bari b ntae r banghouyophsaeng trolom towleu. . daembi chea kar doengkoun ning yokchett keat khnhom ka samrechchett chaul tow angkouy leu kre cheamuoy keat daembi chrabeach cheung choun keat del phlech teang min ban phlasa saamliekbampeak .
pit nasa haey bng pi setth pitchea trauvkar kar yokchett pi anak choumvinh khluon nasa min tha ke ryy khnhom noh te.... . kayvikear robsakhnhom hakdauchchea thveuaoy keat penhchett sarsaer min dach pi meat te champoh khnhom chetnea la robsakhnhom hakdauchchea houm p tth daoy avei myeang ning hakdauchchea ttuol ar mm na blek rk tha min trauv proh phnek khnhom hakdauchchea bankheunh vottho myeang robsa keat pel del dai robsakhnhom chrabeach tow kien klphlow keat thm m . khnhom kitthea keat brahelcha minban chab ar mm na champoh kr mea del keat sliek noh te kr mea robsa keat hakdauchchea khaech laeng leu bantich thveuaoy khnhom ach meul kheunhochbasa pi vottho brachoam trakaul robsa keat aetakbal mk chr ngk bonokdai tr b leu kansaomopng keat thveuaoy khnhom ttuol ar mm na tkslot ning khlach proh bae thieb tow ning robsa btei khnhom ku khosaknea chhngaynasa ku robsa keat thom proh kreante loun kbal mk ku dauchchea psavek baek ppe anhchung thom haey khmawkroeb .
khnhom kham louch samlung tow vottho robsa bng pi setth daoy yokchett toukdeak ning your mtong ka samlung tow meul moukh keat der te keat hakdauchchea min chab ar mm na saoh brahel 1srabk srabte psavek keat ngeublaeng dauch psa phot pi kr mea braveng muoy chamam kanleah nowchampohmoukh khnhom srab pel del keat phnheak phng der . keat dauchchea meankar ienokhmasa yeang khlang champoh avei del lech thloh nowchampohmoukh khnhom bonte samreab khnhom ka kampoung ttuol kar ienokhmasa ning phitphy phng der srab pel del keat kham l mlu ng meul moukh khnhom min dakphnek .
khnhom ttuol ar mm na tha bng pi setth brahelcha mean ar mm na yeangna te champoh khnhom keat kham yk dai khtab psavek robsa keat penh muoy dai te now min ach boe t bang ban proh vea nowte lien chenh tam de keat bangheanh pi mead vea thomveng ning kuor aoy khlach nasa samreab khnhom . khnhom doeng tha keat hakdauchchea mean ar mm na athrkambang myeang champoh khnhom . khnhom kham aon moukh choh te ponlu changkieng phlu ronteal now champimoukh tiet . keat ban niyeay mokkan khnhom teang peaky sa mti rdakrdob dauchneh : aoy bng saumtosa phng!... proh nih vea chea rueng chaidany te bng kmean chetnea te.. na aun.. khnhom ngkkbal tech tb ning sa mti keat te keat hakdauchchea banhchenh akar pi tamrek robsa keat champoh khnhom towvinh.... keat ban angael kbal psavek robsa keat thm m nowchampohmoukh khnhom ruoch niyeay tha eng dek tow !... cheang 2 0 chhnam haey eng min del skal rosacheate me yeangmech te.. hi y!.. samngom dek townea a chr mk...... . keat kham samlungmoukh khnhom daoy moutmoam srab pel del khnhom bamroung choh pi leu kre chaul tow bantob te chett muoy nuk anet keat del pohmeay yourochhnamokhaey haey avei del keat niyeay noh hakdauchchea chng brab khnhom tha : keat pit dach robb ( aveimuoy noh your mk der) teub keat niyeay bebyeang nih .
knong saamliekbampeak chaompoung khnhom hakdauchchea mean a mm na phyokhlach champoh keat nasa proh pelnih meante yeung pir neak bo nnaah . khnhom pitchea anet keat champoh peaky keat niyeay te khnhom kitthea khnhom min ach braprutt avei phte sa phta sa bante ryy kbat btei khnhom laey . ti banhchob keat nowte niyeay peaky ddel noh mokkan khnhom tiet stab tow hakdauchchea keat chng angvor khnhom som kar ylprom aveimuoy pi khnhom haey . haey avei del phyokhlach samreab khnhom noh ku kar del khnhom min ach tbchett ban ning hakdauchchea mean ar mm na prupruoch rk sman min trauv pel del kheunh psa vek keat ngeub kbal yeang thom nowchampohmoukh .
pelnih ar mm na khnhom vul vl staer rk kit min chenh srab pel del bng pi setth kraokachhr bangheanh psavek thom veng khmaw dak khnhom daoy kmeanoavei betbang saoh . khnhom pit min chng thleakkhluon tow knong amnach tanha robsa keat te.... te khnhom nowte min chng kraok chenhpi tinoh ddel hakdauchchea meanchett muoy mk bangkham khnhom aoy ttuol rien bt pisaoth na pi mnoussa meadthom dauch keat daembi doeng tha mnoussa meadthom haey porpenh daoy kamleang ning psavek thom bebnih ning mean rosacheate ning khosablek pi btei khnhom bonna towvinh .
khnhom chhr kitthea : keat pohmeay yourochhna bebnih pitchea sahav, mean bt pisaoth na ning cheapisesa ku tukkeam robsa keat brahelcha khab ning sambour daoy chivcheate pithaey meul tow.. khnhom nowte phyokhlach der del bae tohbeicha bng pi setth brab tha : « nih kreante chea merien leukdambaung samreab khnhom» bonnaoh . tae vea chea merien avei tow....? keat ka aoy khnhom mk kber.. khnhom kham tb chomhr srab pel del keat choh pi leu kre mk kber khnhom.... ruoch keat ka rounh khnhom thnam aoy aon tow rk kbal kre pelnoh khnhom ttuol ar mm na tha « lveng kraom khnhom hakdauch mean vottho myeang tn kampoung romkel mk rk dambauk measa khnhom.....» khnhom doeng tha brahelcha dlpel del khnhom rien merien aveimuoy noh pi keat haey...... te vea hakdauchchea ttuol ar mm na tha blek rhaut dl min nukasman tha khnhom kampoung trauv bng pi setth chhmuo sa chhmoul lveng kraom bat tow haey tom roam doeng tha merien del keat bangrien noh vea chea bt pisaoth na cheaksteng del keat kampoung krasaob kay khnhom teang khluon n l kok dauchneh .
khnhom bramoul ar mm na stoh chenhpi karbietbien robsa keat now lveng kraom khnhom te khnhom nowte min ach ddel..... proh pelnih dambauk measa robsakhnhom hak kampoung trauv a nta da kokreat robsa keat li t chonhchok boe t yk rosacheate del chreab chenhpi knong laeang houm p tth daoy smaw khcheilvok now sangkheang... . keat pit thveuaoy khnhom pibeak troam nasa... khnhom phlech tha keat chea anaknea tow haey..... haey avei kampoung trauv thveudamnaer tow cheamuoy keat teangosrong baukruom teang lveng leu phng der ku keat chabphtaem saamatakhluon khnhom daoy a nta t noh haey .
khnhom kham niyeay tow rk keat staer phot samleng mtong : bng pi setth... bng pi setth.... bonnoeng ban haey... au y bng aey!..... aun rsaeb nasa..!.. ne’. bng... au y! »... khnhom niyeay daoy angvor keat mtong haey mtong tiet te keat nowte bantosakammopheap yeang tkkrahl mk leu dangokhluon khnhom. . khnhom kit tha pelnih min tha te khnhom te del brachhommoukh ning sthanphap bebnih te ka mean mnoussa srei srei phsaeng tiet del ach mean bt pisaoth na dauch khnhom nih ning banteabmk puokke ning ttuol ar mm na dauch khnhom cheak cheaminkhan .
phnek khnhom kham samlung aon tow meul lveng khangokraom porpenh daoy ar mm na sraebasral bamphot proh dambauk measa del khetkham leak touk samreab te btei nowpel nih kampoung ttuol ban nouv karbaosasaamat, nhinhk ning chhlokchhli kmean sal chanloh trangna. . bng pi setth keat kampoungte chhnganh ning dambauk khnhom khlang nasa... keat mindoeng tha pelnih khnhom kampoung haohhaer dl tinea laey. . de da bi n brasab robsa keat ka chabphtaem srava chab kaunophnom teangpir robsakhnhom.... keat brae a nta t lu t reangkay khnhom sapvokanleng knea n sal trangna te .. banteabmk keat ka chabdai khnhom aoy kan psavek robsa keat del kampoungte baek ppe yeang thom veng huosapi karosman thveuaoy khnhom phnheak ttuol ar mm na sre v sraeb. . keat niyeay mokkan khnhom tha aun trauvkar vea te? bng ning chakthnam aoy aun..... kom khlach ei!... stab vea meul vea thom haey veng vea pitchea thveuaoy aun sokh sruol cheang pelna teangoasa aun trauvkar vea te? .
khnhom ka stab neakreach robsa keat khnhom kitthea pitchea thomcheang neakreach btei khnhom khlang nasa.. khnhom kreante chng doeng tha brasenbae bng pi setth aoy neakreach loun chaul knong dambauk measa khnhom noh vea pitchea thveu aoy dambauk khnhom rik meatthom ryy breh snam kante khlang ning ach mean chomrow kante chrow . vea ning pruosa pisa penh dambauk khnhom del thveuaoy khnhom chhu mindoeng tha ach trea ban ryy yeangna te!.. . khnhom kham luong chett khluoneng tha bae min aoy neakreach keat chaul pelnih te pitchea kuor aoy anet keat nasa proh keat chea mnoussa pohmeay dach yourochhnam haey bae anet keat trauvte han leahbng karchhucheab ning baucha choun keat ka min ei der .
karosamrech chett robsakhnhom ban chhean dl damnakkal hnoenghaey proh kbal neakreach robsa keat kampoung baek ppe khlang nasa... keat ka aoy khnhom kraokachhr tlmoukh keat knong akar nonl kok khnhom kham ngeuymeul moukh keat del khpasa. . keat niyeay suor banhcheak khnhom tha aun trauvkar neakreach bng chaul tow knong dambauk measa aun te!.. aun trauvkar vea te?.. minoasachett keat ka lout chongkong tlmoukh khnhom aon kbal tow chhmou sa chhmoul laeang measa khnhom mtong tiet rhautadl keat kitthea laeang measa khnhom kampoung rik meat vea rngcham neakreach loun keat chaul haey.... teub keat kraokachhr haey aoy khnhom chhr phtab tow ning chonhcheang daoy hoch lveng kraoy aoy keat. . khnhom doeng tha dai keat kampoung chab nhek sach trakak khnhom daembi touk phlauv aoy neakreach keat loun chaul. . trakak khnhom pelnih hakdauchchea hek chenhpi knea ruoch keat leanmeat tha laeang aun thom mean tukhaur chreab sapvokanleng min tauch noh te haey meat laeang vinh mean pnrkrahm sai chompou r ach aoy neakreach bng loun chaul ban haey . ly sa mti nih phleam khnhom mean ar mm na rompheub proh kitthea dambauk measa khnhom ach ttuolosvakom aoy neakreach keat chaulvaylouk khnhom ngeak mk nhnhum tech dak keat daoy ktei rompheub ning prom aoy neakreach keat loun chaul tam kar banhchea robsa keat .
mounnung banhchea neakreach keat aoy chaul knong a ntae k measa khnhom bng pi setth ka aon kbal tow li tmeat laeang mtong tiet hakdauchchea mintean chhaet. thveuaoy khnhom stae haeb cheung mtong tow haey. . ilauv khnhom ttuol ar mm na tha laeang khnhom kampoung trauv neakreach keat loun chaul sansaum haey proh khnhom mean ar mm na tha nen nowtrang briven a ntae k measa nasa..... bng pi setth ban banhchea aoy khnhom aon kbal chohkraom ruoch keat bok pikraoy yeang tkkrahl muoy khlang staer yom mtong .. keat hak min anet khnhom te khnhom ka kitthea nih brahelcha keat at me yourhaey teub thveusakammopheap sahav yeangnih ku khlang cheang btei khnhom 1 0 0 dng enaoh . btei khnhom min ach thieb ning keat bante ilauv keat kampoung veayobrahear dambauk measa khnhom kante khlang laeng cheang kanleahmaong neakreach keat nowte mintean pruosa pisa mk tiet khnhom kham tb staer tnchongkong haey. .
brahek chea 1maong teub neakreach keat pruosa pisa chaul penh laeang khnhom yeang khab dom dauch tukdaohko . khnhom saum sarphap tha bng pi setth pitchea mnoussa del mean kamleang khlang aschary men pelnih haey del khnhom ttuol sechaktei sokh pit pi kar ruomphet cheamuoy keat . tampit kanlongomk btei khnhom min del phtal sechaktei sokh bebnih dl khnhom te ku keat atmaniym nasa min del ausa banleaypel your yeang nih te ning thveuaoy khnhom sokh sruol mdong ka at der . khnhom kitthea ilauv mean bng pi setth del mean samotthaphap khang ruomrk dauchneh vea pitchea la nasa samreab khnhom .
bng pi setth ban niyeay mokkan khnhom tha « bng nung mokleng aun aoy ban nhuknheab»!.. khnhom nhnhum ngkkbal tech dak keat.. te mean pelokhleah khnhom kohk btei tha « mokleng srokkamnaet» te tampit ku khnhom ban skat mk chuob bng pi setth chea nhuknheab slae r chea riengreal sa bta ha banteabpi puok yeung ban ruomrk knea mtong mk proh khnhom nukadl neakreach robsa keat del veng ning thom noh .
khnhom min kuor yk rueng nih mk b k sa r y chou m mitt anakaean noh te! te nih chea rueng pit ning chea bt pisaoth na muoy samreab anak del minothleab ban sechakdeisokh pi kar ruomphet proh bdei prongeuyokanteuy . brasenbae anak ach thveu tow ban noh vea chea kar brasaer ning ban skal rosacheate mnoussa mead moam dauchchea bng pi setth anhchung der . kuor aoy sraleanh penhchett keat nasa... samreab khnhom!!!
One day I had to rely for siblings to a close friend of my husband to help Kits because my husband went out for 3 days. Very quiet house his brother Seth recess cheabmeat my room door because no big house. Although she had been widowed more than 50 years old and he still can help water and cutting firewood. Mat he'd black and white. 6 pm the day he came to me also baytuk him eat his also riebchamkre for recess in front of my room because I was afraid of the ghost.
Front of the room, I sat long and bed suite trumped gossiping with him under light lamps phlong_. While his brother Seth also wear scarves usually slouches bed Kimball cigarettes gradually banghouyophsaeng trolom .. To his gratitude and attention, I decided to sit on the bed with him to pump his legs not forget these clothes.
Of course, and I really need attention from around you, whether or not ..... Gesture my seem him satisfied praise did not separate from the mouth but to me enlarge my seemed encircled amnion by something and seem to feel strange to find that is not because my eyes seem to have seen the object hand his when my merger to Corner klphlow his stone away. I think he might not have been interested for scarf he wore no scarf his seems ticking up a bit I can see clearly what objects annual Clan his aetakbal come chain ngk bonokdai fans on kansaomopong he makes me feel panic and fear, because compared to the ones and my husband is different far is his big because just moving the head is like a cobra open goat So big and khmawkroeb.
I tried stealing look to the object of his special rights carefully and periodically, also look to see his face, but he did not seem interested at all about 1 moment suddenly cobra his recovery as the snake out of the scarf length an inch and a half in front of me while he awake too. He was such a great shame for what appears thloh in front of me, but I also get the shy and nervous, while he tried mlu I not dakphnek.
I feel that the special rights might feel, however, not to me, he tried to take the hand block cobra his full one hand still in unable Kimball continued obscured because it still groin out on the finger he shows the volume it big long and should pretty scary for me. I know that he seems to feel mysterious words to me. I bow down to bright light lamp Phnom ronteal front. He has spoken to me these words aphasia so: to blister Sorry, too! ... Because it is no coincidence brother unwilling yet .. Any Leone .. I nod quietly responds and says he still he seems to emit symptoms from orgasms her to me another .... He touch the head of snakes, his stone away before I already said myself to sleep to! ... Over 20 years and myself have never known the taste master, part .. hop by! .. Hibernate sleep anywhere can Mak ....... He tried samlungmoukh I boldly while I back down from the bed into the room but a miss pity his er, belonging, and what he was saying, seems like to tell me that: he really separate regime (something that long, too) he says manner of this.
Clothing chaompoung I seem to feel fear for him because now only two of us away. I pity him for the words he said, but I think I can not take what the MOU, or betray my husband. Finally, he still say that to me sounds like he wanted to plead I agree something from me. And what fear for me is that I can not self-control and more likely to feel aerobatic guess not finding his cobras lift big head before.
Now I feel vul vl almost coincide, which gives you the right to stand snakes, large, black, I have nothing to hide. I really do not want to go in a power passion of his .... but I still do not want to step out there, the same seems amazed a forced me to get learning experience from human mat like him to know that people mat and full of strength and cobra big like this and have a taste and different from my husband is another.
I stood think: he er prolong such really sahav, have the experience and especially ejaculation his might thick and white with nutrition fact and look .. I still fear that even if siblings special rights, saying: 'This is just a lesson the first time for me' only. What's the lesson to ....? He also let me come near .. I tried to secure the position while he down from the bed beside me .... and he also pushed me gently to bow to the head bed, I feel that the 'flat under my seemingly-contained hand soft moving come to Dombukbey gold I .....' I know that maybe in time I learned lessons codes from him and ...... but it seems to feel that the difference until the unexpected that I was being siblings special rights wage white chhmoul apartments under gone and p dance knowing that the lessons he taught that it's the experience of reality that he is embracing physical body of which mainland so.
I collect emotional rebound from the encroachment of his apartment under me, but I still can not the same ..... because now Dombukbey gold my seemingly being tongue very kokreat his lick suck bus takes taste that flows out of the cave surrounded amnion by grass khcheilvok at sides .... He really makes me very hard resistance ... I forget that he is a man ..... and everything being completely go with his plus apartment, he started to wash my tongue.
I tried to talk to him almost expired voice slowly: Brother special rights ... Brother special rights .... only, and ... oh, by the brother, O! ..... Leone sensitive very ..! .. Ne’.bng. .. Oh mother! Things' ... I say by pleading him repeatedly, but he still proceeding very tkkrahl upon torso me .. I think that now that I faced this situation, but also other women who may have experience as me, and then they feel like I'm efficient.
My eyes try looking ounce flat bottom full of emotional pleasures, because gold Dombukbey dedicated husband hidden for now is get a purge, nhinhk, and chhlokchhli rest intervals where. . His brother Seth is delicious and lot Dombukbey me ... he did not know where I fly now .. Delhi great bin swarmed him also start services captured hills both my .... he used tongue entertainment body I over each of remaining where no .. then he also handshake me holding cobra his being open goat huge long beyond Assumptions makes me feel unstressed subscription elegant .. He said to me that you need it? You shot me ..... fear not! ... Touch it, see it big and long, it really makes me comfortable than ever you need it?.
I also feel goddess her I think really bigger goddess my husband very much .. I just wanted to see if siblings special rights to goddess slipped into the Dombukbey gold me, it really makes Dombukbey I meatthom or valves brand stronger and can have a depth deeper. It and sow especially full Dombukbey me that makes me know that can stand it or not! ... I tried to console himself that if not for his goddess now really pitiful him because he was a widower separate prolong and pity, he must be willing to sacrifice pain and sacrifice, he is also okay.
My decision was reached stage did because his head goddess is very open goat ... I stood in front of his land in placing symptoms I ngeuymeul to his face .. He said confirmed me that Leone needs goddess siblings into Dombukbey gold Aun no! .. Aun want him? .. Minoasachet He also knelt opposite I nodded to chhmou white chhmoul cave gold me again until he thought the cave of gold, I'm growing mouth it waits goddess moving him into and .... did he stand up and let me stand into the ropes and walls by pass the apartment next to his. . I know that his hands are parsed my hip to the goddess he slipped into. . My hip now seems torn from his, exclamations cave're large water flows over small, and the mouth of the cave, red, magenta, goddess brother slipped into. Suddenly heard the words, I feel excited because think gold Dombukbey I can welcome the goddess offensive I turned to smile quietly put him excited and The goddess he crawled through his orders.
Before his goddess into the Golden Turtle my brother bow software tmeat head the cave again seems not quench. Makes me almost lift each foot and .. Now I feel that cave I being goddess he slipped into a gradual and because I feel that securely lies compound turtle gold very ..... Brother special rights ordered my head down, and he hit behind very tkkrahl each loud, almost crying from time to time .. he seems not pity me, I also think this maybe his unemployment main sites just act cruel this is stronger than my husband 100 times. My husband can not be compared and now he's struck gold Dombukbey me more loudly than an hour, his goddess still not sow especially, I try holding almost tnchongkong ..
Burdened 1 hour special goddess he instilled into my cave thick piece such milk. I admit that the work really great people with strong now, and I get real happiness to have sex with him. In fact, so far my husband has never given me such happiness is very selfish, not prolonged this long and makes me comfortable again. I think now I work with the ability to sexually, so it was really good for me.
Brother special rights said to me that 'I will visit Leone frequently »! .. I smile nod quietly put him .. but sometimes I lie husband that' visit hometown» truth is I curb come meet my special rights often slae of every week after we had sexually again because I miss goddess of his long and large.
I should not take this interpretation is addressed Chou readers! But this is true, and as an experience for those who never had peace from sex because her husband ignored. If possible, it is best known and volume will taste like you do the right way. Should love dear to him ... for me!!!
Front of the room, I sat long and bed suite trumped gossiping with him under light lamps phlong_. While his brother Seth also wear scarves usually slouches bed Kimball cigarettes gradually banghouyophsaeng trolom .. To his gratitude and attention, I decided to sit on the bed with him to pump his legs not forget these clothes.
Of course, and I really need attention from around you, whether or not ..... Gesture my seem him satisfied praise did not separate from the mouth but to me enlarge my seemed encircled amnion by something and seem to feel strange to find that is not because my eyes seem to have seen the object hand his when my merger to Corner klphlow his stone away. I think he might not have been interested for scarf he wore no scarf his seems ticking up a bit I can see clearly what objects annual Clan his aetakbal come chain ngk bonokdai fans on kansaomopong he makes me feel panic and fear, because compared to the ones and my husband is different far is his big because just moving the head is like a cobra open goat So big and khmawkroeb.
I tried stealing look to the object of his special rights carefully and periodically, also look to see his face, but he did not seem interested at all about 1 moment suddenly cobra his recovery as the snake out of the scarf length an inch and a half in front of me while he awake too. He was such a great shame for what appears thloh in front of me, but I also get the shy and nervous, while he tried mlu I not dakphnek.
I feel that the special rights might feel, however, not to me, he tried to take the hand block cobra his full one hand still in unable Kimball continued obscured because it still groin out on the finger he shows the volume it big long and should pretty scary for me. I know that he seems to feel mysterious words to me. I bow down to bright light lamp Phnom ronteal front. He has spoken to me these words aphasia so: to blister Sorry, too! ... Because it is no coincidence brother unwilling yet .. Any Leone .. I nod quietly responds and says he still he seems to emit symptoms from orgasms her to me another .... He touch the head of snakes, his stone away before I already said myself to sleep to! ... Over 20 years and myself have never known the taste master, part .. hop by! .. Hibernate sleep anywhere can Mak ....... He tried samlungmoukh I boldly while I back down from the bed into the room but a miss pity his er, belonging, and what he was saying, seems like to tell me that: he really separate regime (something that long, too) he says manner of this.
Clothing chaompoung I seem to feel fear for him because now only two of us away. I pity him for the words he said, but I think I can not take what the MOU, or betray my husband. Finally, he still say that to me sounds like he wanted to plead I agree something from me. And what fear for me is that I can not self-control and more likely to feel aerobatic guess not finding his cobras lift big head before.
Now I feel vul vl almost coincide, which gives you the right to stand snakes, large, black, I have nothing to hide. I really do not want to go in a power passion of his .... but I still do not want to step out there, the same seems amazed a forced me to get learning experience from human mat like him to know that people mat and full of strength and cobra big like this and have a taste and different from my husband is another.
I stood think: he er prolong such really sahav, have the experience and especially ejaculation his might thick and white with nutrition fact and look .. I still fear that even if siblings special rights, saying: 'This is just a lesson the first time for me' only. What's the lesson to ....? He also let me come near .. I tried to secure the position while he down from the bed beside me .... and he also pushed me gently to bow to the head bed, I feel that the 'flat under my seemingly-contained hand soft moving come to Dombukbey gold I .....' I know that maybe in time I learned lessons codes from him and ...... but it seems to feel that the difference until the unexpected that I was being siblings special rights wage white chhmoul apartments under gone and p dance knowing that the lessons he taught that it's the experience of reality that he is embracing physical body of which mainland so.
I collect emotional rebound from the encroachment of his apartment under me, but I still can not the same ..... because now Dombukbey gold my seemingly being tongue very kokreat his lick suck bus takes taste that flows out of the cave surrounded amnion by grass khcheilvok at sides .... He really makes me very hard resistance ... I forget that he is a man ..... and everything being completely go with his plus apartment, he started to wash my tongue.
I tried to talk to him almost expired voice slowly: Brother special rights ... Brother special rights .... only, and ... oh, by the brother, O! ..... Leone sensitive very ..! .. Ne’.bng. .. Oh mother! Things' ... I say by pleading him repeatedly, but he still proceeding very tkkrahl upon torso me .. I think that now that I faced this situation, but also other women who may have experience as me, and then they feel like I'm efficient.
My eyes try looking ounce flat bottom full of emotional pleasures, because gold Dombukbey dedicated husband hidden for now is get a purge, nhinhk, and chhlokchhli rest intervals where. . His brother Seth is delicious and lot Dombukbey me ... he did not know where I fly now .. Delhi great bin swarmed him also start services captured hills both my .... he used tongue entertainment body I over each of remaining where no .. then he also handshake me holding cobra his being open goat huge long beyond Assumptions makes me feel unstressed subscription elegant .. He said to me that you need it? You shot me ..... fear not! ... Touch it, see it big and long, it really makes me comfortable than ever you need it?.
I also feel goddess her I think really bigger goddess my husband very much .. I just wanted to see if siblings special rights to goddess slipped into the Dombukbey gold me, it really makes Dombukbey I meatthom or valves brand stronger and can have a depth deeper. It and sow especially full Dombukbey me that makes me know that can stand it or not! ... I tried to console himself that if not for his goddess now really pitiful him because he was a widower separate prolong and pity, he must be willing to sacrifice pain and sacrifice, he is also okay.
My decision was reached stage did because his head goddess is very open goat ... I stood in front of his land in placing symptoms I ngeuymeul to his face .. He said confirmed me that Leone needs goddess siblings into Dombukbey gold Aun no! .. Aun want him? .. Minoasachet He also knelt opposite I nodded to chhmou white chhmoul cave gold me again until he thought the cave of gold, I'm growing mouth it waits goddess moving him into and .... did he stand up and let me stand into the ropes and walls by pass the apartment next to his. . I know that his hands are parsed my hip to the goddess he slipped into. . My hip now seems torn from his, exclamations cave're large water flows over small, and the mouth of the cave, red, magenta, goddess brother slipped into. Suddenly heard the words, I feel excited because think gold Dombukbey I can welcome the goddess offensive I turned to smile quietly put him excited and The goddess he crawled through his orders.
Before his goddess into the Golden Turtle my brother bow software tmeat head the cave again seems not quench. Makes me almost lift each foot and .. Now I feel that cave I being goddess he slipped into a gradual and because I feel that securely lies compound turtle gold very ..... Brother special rights ordered my head down, and he hit behind very tkkrahl each loud, almost crying from time to time .. he seems not pity me, I also think this maybe his unemployment main sites just act cruel this is stronger than my husband 100 times. My husband can not be compared and now he's struck gold Dombukbey me more loudly than an hour, his goddess still not sow especially, I try holding almost tnchongkong ..
Burdened 1 hour special goddess he instilled into my cave thick piece such milk. I admit that the work really great people with strong now, and I get real happiness to have sex with him. In fact, so far my husband has never given me such happiness is very selfish, not prolonged this long and makes me comfortable again. I think now I work with the ability to sexually, so it was really good for me.
Brother special rights said to me that 'I will visit Leone frequently »! .. I smile nod quietly put him .. but sometimes I lie husband that' visit hometown» truth is I curb come meet my special rights often slae of every week after we had sexually again because I miss goddess of his long and large.
I should not take this interpretation is addressed Chou readers! But this is true, and as an experience for those who never had peace from sex because her husband ignored. If possible, it is best known and volume will taste like you do the right way. Should love dear to him ... for me!!!
នៅមុខបន្ទប់ ខ្ញុំអង្គុយរាបនិងគ្រែ ក្នុងឈុតចោម និយាយគ្នាពីនេះពីនោះ ជាមួយគាត់ ក្រោមពន្លឺចង្កៀងផ្លុងៗ ។ ចំណែកបងពិសិទ្ធ គាត់ក៏ស្លៀកក្រម៉ាតាមធម្មតាទម្រេតខ្លួន លើគ្រែដោយ បឹតបារីបណ្តើរបង្ហុយផ្សែងទ្រលោមទៅលើ.។ ដើម្បីជាការដឹងគុណ និងយកចិត្តគាត់ ខ្ញុំក៏សម្រេចចិត្តចូលទៅ អង្គុយលើគ្រែជាមួយគាត់ ដើម្បីច្របាច់ជើងជូនគាត់ ដែលភ្លេចទាំងមិន បានផ្លាស់សំលៀកបំពាក់។
ពិតណាស់ហើយ បងពិសិទ្ធ ពិតជាត្រូវការ ការយកចិត្តពីអ្នកជុំវិញខ្លួនណាស់មិនថាគេ ឬ ខ្ញុំនោះទេ....។ កាយវិការរបស់ខ្ញុំ ហាក់ដូចជាធ្វើអោយគាត់ពេញចិត្ត សរសើរ មិនដាច់ពីមាត់ តែចំពោះខ្ញុំ ចេតនាល្អរបស់ខ្ញុំ ហាក់ដូចជាហ៊ុំព័ទ្ឋដោយអ្វីម្យ៉ាង និងហាក់ដូចជាទទួលអារម្មណ៏ប្លែករកថាមិនត្រូវ ព្រោះភ្នែកខ្ញុំហាក់ដូចជាបានឃើញវត្ថុម្យ៉ាងរបស់គាត់ ពេលដែលដៃរបស់ខ្ញុំច្របាច់ ទៅកៀនគល់ភ្លៅគាត់ថ្មមៗ។ ខ្ញុំគិតថា គាត់ប្រហែលជាមិនបានចាប់អារម្មណ៏ចំពោះក្រម៉ាដែលគាត់ស្លៀកនោះទេ ក្រម៉ារបស់គាត់ហាក់ដូចជា ខើចឡើងលើបន្តិច ធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំអាចមើល ឃើញច្បាស់ពីវត្ថុប្រចាំត្រកូលរបស់គាត់ អើតក្បាលមកច្រង៉ក់ប៉ុនកដៃទ្របលើកន្សោមពងគាត់ ធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំទទួលអារម្មណ៏តក់ស្លុត និងខ្លាច ព្រោះបើធៀបទៅនិងរបស់ប្តីខ្ញុំ គឺខុសគ្នាឆ្ងាយណាស់ គឺរបស់គាត់ធំ ព្រោះគ្រាន់តែលូនក្បាលមក គឺដូចជាពស់វែកបើកពពែអញ្ចឹងធំហើយខ្មៅក្រឹប។
ខ្ញុំខំលូចសម្លឹងទៅវត្ថុរបស់បងពិសិទ្ធដោយយកចិត្តទុកដាក់ និង យូរៗម្តងក៏សម្លឹងទៅមើលមុខគាត់ដែរ តែគាត់ហាក់ដូចជាមិនចាប់អារម្មណ៏សោះ ប្រហែល១ស្របក់ ស្រាប់តែពស់វែកគាត់ ងើបឡើងដូចពស់ផុតពីក្រម៉ាប្រវែងមួយចំអាមកន្លះ នៅចំពោះមុខខ្ញុំ ស្របពេលដែលគាត់ភ្ញាក់ផងដែរ។ គាត់ដូចជាមានការអៀនខ្មាសយ៉ាងខ្លាំងចំពោះអ្វី ដែលលេចធ្លោះនៅចំពោះមុខខ្ញុំ ប៉ុន្តែសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ ក៏កំពុងទទួលការអៀនខ្មាស និងភិតភ័យផងដែរ ស្របពេលដែលគាត់ ខំលម្លឹងមើលមុខខ្ញុំមិនដាក់ភ្នែក ។
ខ្ញុំទទួលអារម្មណ៏ថា បងពិសិទ្ធប្រហែលជាមានអារម្មណ៏យ៉ាងណាទេចំពោះខ្ញុំ គាត់ខំយកដៃខ្ទប់ពស់វែករបស់គាត់ពេញមួយដៃ តែនៅមិនអាចបឹតបាំងបាន ព្រោះវានៅតែលៀន ចេញតាមដែគាត់បង្ហាញពីមាឌ វាធំវែង និងគួរអោយខ្លាចណាស់សម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ។ ខ្ញុំដឹងថា គាត់ហាក់ដូចជា មានអារម្មណ៏អាថ៌កំបាំងម្យ៉ាងចំពោះខ្ញុំ ។ ខ្ញុំខំអោនមុខចុះ តែពន្លឺចង្កៀង ភ្លឺ រន្ទាលនៅចំពីមុខទៀត។ គាត់បាននិយាយមកកាន់ខ្ញុំទាំងពាក្យសម្តីរដាក់រដុបដូច្នេះ៖ អោយបងសូមទោសផង!...ព្រោះនេះវាជារឿងចៃដន្យទេ បងគ្មានចេតនាទេ..ណាអូន.. ខ្ញុំងក់ក្បាលតិចៗតបនិងសម្តីគាត់ តែគាត់ហាក់ដូចជាបញ្ចេញអាការៈពីតម្រេករបស់គាត់ចំពោះខ្ញុំទៅវិញ....គាត់បានអង្អែលក្បាលពស់វែករបស់គាត់ថ្មមៗនៅចំពោះមុខខ្ញុំរួច និយាយថាៈ ឯងដេកទៅ !...ជាង២០ឆ្នាំហើយឯងមិនដែលស្គាល់រសជាតិមេយ៉ាងម៉េចទេ.. ហ៊ីយ!..សម្ងំដេកទៅណាអាច្រម៉ក់......។ គាត់ខំសម្លឹងមុខខ្ញុំដោយមុតមាំ ស្របពេល ដែលខ្ញុំបម្រុងចុះពីលើគ្រែចូលទៅបន្ទប់ តែចិត្តមួយនឹកអាណិតគាត់ដែលពោះម៉ាយយូរឆ្នាំមកហើយ ហើយអ្វីដែលគាត់និយាយនោះ ហាក់ដូចជាចង់ប្រាប់ខ្ញុំថា៖ គាត់ពិតដាច់របប (អ្វីមួយនោះយូរមកដែរ) ទើបគាត់និយាយបែបយ៉ាងនេះ។
ក្នុងសំលៀកបំពាក់ចោមពុង ខ្ញុំហាក់ដូចជាមានអាម្មណ៏ភ័យខ្លាចចំពោះគាត់ណាស់ ព្រោះពេលនេះមានតែយើងពីរនាក់ប៉ុណ្ណាះ។ ខ្ញុំពិតជាអាណិតគាត់ ចំពោះពាក្យគាត់និយាយ តែខ្ញុំគិតថា ខ្ញុំមិនអាចប្រព្រឹត្តអ្វីផ្តេសផ្តាសបានទេ ឬ ក្បត់ប្តីខ្ញុំឡើយ។ ទីបញ្ចប់ គាត់នៅតែនិយាយពាក្យដដែលនោះ មកកាន់ខ្ញុំទៀត ស្តាប់ទៅហាក់ដូចជា គាត់ចង់អង្វរខ្ញុំសុំការ យល់ព្រមអ្វីមួយពីខ្ញុំហើយ។ ហើយអ្វីដែលភ័យខ្លាចសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំនោះ គឺការដែលខ្ញុំមិនអាចទប់ចិត្តបាន និងហាក់ដូចជាមានអារម្មណ៏ព្រឺព្រួចរកស្មានមិនត្រូវពេលដែលឃើញពស់ វែកគាត់ងើបក្បាលយ៉ាងធំនៅចំពោះមុខ។
ពេលនេះអារម្មណ៏ខ្ញុំវឹលវល់ ស្ទើររកគិតមិនចេញ ស្របពេលដែលបងពិសិទ្ធ ក្រោកឈរ បង្ហាញពស់វែកធំវែងខ្មៅ ដាក់ខ្ញុំដោយគ្មានអ្វីបិទបាំងសោះ។ ខ្ញុំពិតមិនចង់ធ្លាក់ខ្លួនទៅក្នុង អំណាចតណ្ហារបស់គាត់ទេ....តែខ្ញុំនៅតែមិនចង់ក្រោកចេញពីទីនោះដដែល ហាក់ដូចជាមានចិត្តមួយមកបង្ខំខ្ញុំ អោយទទួលរៀនបទពិសោធន៏ពីមនុស្សមាឌធំដូចគាត់ដើម្បីដឹងថា មនុស្សមាឌធំ ហើយពោរពេញដោយកម្លាំង និង ពស់វែកធំបែបនេះ និងមានរសជាតិនិង ខុសប្លែកពីប្តីខ្ញុំប៉ុណ្ណាទៅវិញ។
ខ្ញុំឈរគិតថា៖ គាត់ពោះម៉ាយយូរឆ្នាំបែបនេះ ពិតជាសហាវ, មានបទពិសោធន៏ និង ជាពិសេស គឺទឹកកាមរបស់គាត់ប្រហែលជាខាប់ និងសម្បុរដោយជីវជាតិពិតហើយ មើលទៅ.. ខ្ញុំនៅតែភ័យខ្លាចដែរដែលបើទោះបីជាបងពិសិទ្ធប្រាប់ថា៖ «នេះគ្រាន់តែជាមេរៀនលើកដំបូងសម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ»ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។ តើវាជាមេរៀនអ្វីទៅ....? គាត់ក៏អោយខ្ញុំមកក្បែរ.. ខ្ញុំខំទប់ជំហរស្របពេលដែលគាត់ ចុះពីលើគ្រែមកក្បែរខ្ញុំ....រួចគាត់ក៏រុញខ្ញុំថ្នមៗអោយអោនទៅរកក្បាលគ្រែ ពេលនោះខ្ញុំទទួលអារម្មណ៏ថា «ល្វែងក្រោមខ្ញុំហាក់ដូច មានវត្ថុ ម្យ៉ាងទន់ៗកំពុងរំកិលមករកដំបូកមាសខ្ញុំ.....» ខ្ញុំដឹងថាៈ ប្រហែលជាដល់ពេលដែលខ្ញុំរៀនមេរៀនអ្វីមួយនោះពីគាត់ហើយ...... តែវាហាក់ដូចជាទទួលអារម្មណ៏ថាប្លែករហូត ដល់មិននឹកស្មានថា ខ្ញុំកំពុងត្រូវបងពិសិទ្ធឈ្មួសឈ្មុលល្វែងក្រោមបាត់ទៅហើយ ទំរាំដឹងថាៈ មេរៀនដែលគាត់បង្រៀននោះ វាជាបទពិសោធន៏ជាក់ស្តែងដែលគាត់កំពុងក្រសោប កាយខ្ញុំទាំងខ្លួននលគោកដូច្នេះ។
ខ្ញុំប្រមូលអារម្មណ៏ស្ទុះចេញពីការបៀតបៀនរបស់គាត់ នៅល្វែងក្រោមខ្ញុំ តែខ្ញុំនៅតែមិនអាចដដែល.....ព្រោះពេលនេះដំបូកមាសរបស់ខ្ញុំ ហាក់កំពុងត្រូវអណ្តាដ៏គគ្រាតរបស់គាត់លិតជញ្ជក់បឹតយករសជាតិដែលជ្រាបចេញពីក្នុងល្អាង ហ៊ុំព័ទ្ឋដោយស្មៅខ្ចីល្វក់នៅសង្ខាង...។ គាត់ពិតធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំពិបាកទ្រាំណាស់...ខ្ញុំភ្លេចថា គាត់ជាអ្នកណាទៅហើយ..... ហើយអ្វីៗកំពុងត្រូវធ្វើដំណើរទៅជាមួយគាត់ទាំងស្រុង បូករួមទាំងល្វែងលើផងដែរ គឺគាត់ចាប់ផ្តើមសំអាតខ្លួនខ្ញុំដោយអណ្តាតនោះហើយ។
ខ្ញុំខំនិយាយទៅរកគាត់ស្ទើរផុតសម្លេងម្តងៗ៖ បងពិសិទ្ធ...បងពិសិទ្ធ....ប៉ុណ្ណឹងបានហើយ...អូយបងអើយ!.....អូនរសើបណាស់..!.. នែ៎.បង...អូយ!ៗ»...ខ្ញុំនិយាយដោយអង្វរគាត់ម្តង ហើយម្តងទៀតតែគាត់នៅតែបន្តសកម្មភាពយ៉ាងតក់ក្រហល់មកលើដងខ្លួនខ្ញុំ.។ ខ្ញុំគិតថាៈ ពេលនេះមិនថាតែខ្ញុំទេ ដែលប្រឈមមុខនិងស្ថានភាពបែបនេះ តែក៏មានមនុស្សស្រីស្រី ផ្សេងៗទៀតដែលអាចមានបទពិសោធន៏ដូចខ្ញុំនេះ និងបន្ទាប់មកពួកគេនិងទទួលអារម្មណ៏ដូចខ្ញុំជាក់ជាមិនខាន។
ភ្នែកខ្ញុំខំសម្លឹងអោនទៅមើលល្វែងខាងក្រោម ពោរពេញដោយអារម្មណ៏ស្រើបស្រាលបំផុត ព្រោះដំបូកមាសដែលខិតខំលាក់ទុកសម្រាប់តែប្តីនៅពេលនេះ កំពុងទទួលបាននូវ ការបោសសំអាត, ញីញក់ និងឈ្លក់ឈ្លីគ្មានសល់ចន្លោះត្រង់ណា. ។ បងពិសិទ្ធគាត់កំពុងតែឆ្ងាញ់ និងដំបូកខ្ញុំខ្លាំងណាស់...គាត់មិនដឹងថា ពេលនេះខ្ញុំកំពុងហោះហើរ ដល់ទីណាឡើយ.។ ដែដ៏ប៊ិនប្រសប់របស់គាត់ក៏ចាប់ផ្តើម ស្រវាចាប់កូនភ្នំទាំងពីររបស់ខ្ញុំ....គាត់ប្រើអណ្តាតលឹតរាងកាយខ្ញុំសព្វកន្លែងគ្នានសល់ត្រង់ណាទេ ..បន្ទាប់មកគាត់ក៏ ចាប់ដៃខ្ញុំអោយកាន់ពស់វែករបស់គាត់ដែលកំពុងតែបើកពពែយ៉ាងធំវែងហួសពីការស្មាន ធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំភ្ញាក់ទទួលអារម្មណ៏ស្រេវស្រើប.។ គាត់និយាយមកកាន់ខ្ញុំថាៈ អូនត្រូវការវាទេ? បងនិងចាក់ថ្នាំអោយអូន.....កុំខ្លាចអី!...ស្ទាបវាមើល វាធំ ហើយវែង វាពិតជាធ្វើអោយអូនសុខស្រួល ជាងពេលណាទាំងអស់ អូនត្រូវការវាទេ?។
ខ្ញុំក៏ស្ទាបនាគរាជរបស់គាត់ ខ្ញុំគិតថាពិតជាធំជាងនាគរាជប្តីខ្ញុំខ្លាំងណាស់..ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែចង់ដឹងថា ប្រសិនបើបងពិសិទ្ធ អោយនាគរាជលូនចូលក្នុងដំបូកមាសខ្ញុំនោះ វាពិតជាធ្វើ អោយដំបូកខ្ញុំរីកមាត់ធំ ឬ ប្រេះស្នាមកាន់តែខ្លាំង និង អាចមានជម្រៅកាន់តែជ្រៅ .វានិងព្រួសពិសពេញដំបូកខ្ញុំ ដែលធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំឈឺ មិនដឹងថាអាចទ្រាំបាន ឬ យ៉ាងណាទេ!..។ ខ្ញុំខំលួងចិត្តខ្លួនឯងថា បើមិនអោយនាគរាជគាត់ចូលពេលនេះទេ ពិតជាគួរអោយអាណិតគាត់ណាស់ ព្រោះគាត់ជាមនុស្សពោះម៉ាយដាច់យូរឆ្នាំ ហើយបើអាណិតគាត់ ត្រូវតែហ៊ានលះបង់ការឈឺចាប់ និងបូជាជូនគាត់ក៏មិនអីដែរ។
ការសម្រេចចិត្តរបស់ខ្ញុំ បានឈានដល់ដំណាក់កាលហ្នឹងហើយ ព្រោះក្បាលនាគរាជរបស់គាត់ កំពុងបើកពពែខ្លាំងណាស់...គាត់ក៏អោយខ្ញុំក្រោកឈរទល់មុខគាត់ ក្នុងអាការៈ ននលគោក ខ្ញុំខំងើយមើលមុខគាត់ដែលខ្ពស់.។ គាត់និយាយសួរបញ្ជាក់ខ្ញុំថាៈ អូនត្រូវការនាគរាជបង ចូលទៅក្នុងដំបូកមាសអូនទេ!..អូនត្រូវការវាទេ?..មិនអស់ចិត្តគាត់ក៏លុត ជង្គង់ទល់មុខខ្ញុំអោនក្បាលទៅឈ្មូសឈ្មុលល្អាងមាសខ្ញុំម្តងទៀត រហូតដល់គាត់គិតថា ល្អាងមាសខ្ញុំកំពុងរីកមាត់វា រង់ចាំនាគរាជលូនគាត់ចូលហើយ....ទើបគាត់ក្រោកឈរ ហើយអោយខ្ញុំឈរផ្ទប់ទៅនិងជញ្ជាំង ដោយហុចល្វែងក្រោយអោយគាត់. ។ ខ្ញុំដឹងថា ដៃគាត់កំពុងចាប់ញែកសាច់ត្រគាកខ្ញុំ ដើម្បីទុកផ្លូវអោយនាគរាជគាត់លូនចូល. ។ ត្រគាកខ្ញុំពេលនេះ ហាក់ដូចជាហែកចេញពីគ្នា រួចគាត់លាន់មាត់ថា ល្អាងអូនធំមានទឹកហូរជ្រាបសព្វកន្លែងមិនតូចនោះទេ ហើយមាត់ល្អាងវិញ មានពណ៌ក្រហមស៊ីជម្ពូរ អាចអោយនាគរាជបងលូនចូលបានហើយ។ ឭសម្តីនេះភ្លាម ខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៏រំភើប ព្រោះគិតថា ដំបូកមាសខ្ញុំអាចទទួលស្វាគមន៍ អោយនាគរាជគាត់ចូលវាយលុក ខ្ញុំងាកមកញញឹម តិចៗដាក់គាត់ដោយក្តីរំភើប និងព្រមអោយនាគរាជគាត់លូនចូលតាមការបញ្ជារបស់គាត់។
មុននឹងបញ្ជានាគរាជគាត់អោយចូលក្នុងអណ្តើកមាសខ្ញុំ បងពិសិទ្ធក៏អោនក្បាលទៅលិតមាត់ល្អាងម្តងទៀត ហាក់ដូចជាមិនទាន់ឆ្អែត.ធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំស្ទើហើបជើងម្តងៗទៅហើយ.។ ឥឡូវខ្ញុំទទួលអារម្មណ៏ថាៈ ល្អាងខ្ញុំកំពុងត្រូវនាគរាជ គាត់លូនចូលសន្សឹមៗហើយ ព្រោះខ្ញុំមានអារម្មណ៏ថា ណែននៅត្រង់បរិវេណអណ្តើកមាសណាស់.....បងពិសិទ្ធបានបញ្ជា អោយខ្ញុំអោនក្បាលចុះក្រោម រួចគាត់បុកពីក្រោយយ៉ាងតក់ក្រហល់ មួយៗខ្លាំងៗ ស្ទើរយំម្តងៗ..គាត់ហាក់មិនអាណិតខ្ញុំទេខ្ញុំក៏គិតថា នេះប្រហែលជាគាត់អត់មេយូរហើយទើប ធ្វើសកម្មភាពសាហាវយ៉ាងនេះ គឺខ្លាំងជាងប្តីខ្ញុំ១០០ដងឯណោះ។ ប្តីខ្ញុំមិនអាចធៀបនិងគាត់បានទេ ឥឡូវគាត់កំពុងវាយប្រហារដំបូកមាសខ្ញុំកាន់តែខ្លាំងៗឡើងជាងកន្លះម៉ោង នាគរាជគាត់នៅតែមិនទាន់ព្រួសពិសមកទៀត ខ្ញុំខំទប់ស្ទើរទន់ជង្គង់ហើយ.។
ប្រហែកជា១ម៉ោង ទើបនាគរាជគាត់ព្រួសពិស ចូលពេញល្អាងខ្ញុំ យ៉ាងខាប់ដុំៗដូចទឹកដោះគោ។ ខ្ញុំសូមសារភាពថា បងពិសិទ្ធពិតជាមនុស្សដែលមានកម្លាំងខ្លាំងអស្ចារ្យមែន ពេលនេះហើយដែលខ្ញុំទទួលសេចក្តីសុខពិតពីការរួមភេទជាមួយគាត់។ តាមពិតកន្លងមក ប្តីខ្ញុំមិនដែលផ្តល់សេចក្តីសុខបែបនេះដល់ខ្ញុំទេ គឺគាត់អាត្មានិយមណាស់មិនដែលអូសបន្លាយពេលយូរយ៉ាងនេះទេ និងធ្វើអោយខ្ញុំសុខស្រួលម្ដងក៏អត់ដែរ។ ខ្ញុំគិតថា ឥឡូវមានបងពិសិទ្ធដែលមានសមត្ថភាពខាងរួមរ័កដូច្នេះ វាពិតជាល្អណាស់សម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ។
បងពិសិទ្ធបាននិយាយមកកាន់ខ្ញុំថាៈ «បងនឹងមកលេងអូនអោយបានញឹកញាប់»!.. ខ្ញុំញញឹមងក់ក្បាលតិចៗដាក់គាត់..តែមានពេលខ្លះខ្ញុំកុហកប្តីថា «មកលេងស្រុកកំណើត» តែ តាមពិតគឺខ្ញុំបានស្កាត់មកជួបបងពិសិទ្ធជាញឹកញាប់ ស្លើរជារៀងរាល់សប្តាហ៏ បន្ទាប់ពីពួកយើងបានរួមរ័កគ្នាម្តងមក ព្រោះខ្ញុំនឹកដល់នាគរាជរបស់គាត់ដែលវែងនិងធំនោះ។
ខ្ញុំមិនគួរយករឿងនេះមកបកសា្រយជូមមិត្តអ្នកអាននោះទេ! តែនេះជារឿងពិត និងជាបទពិសោធន៏មួយសម្រាប់អ្នកដែលមិនធ្លាប់បានសេចក្ដីសុខពីការរួមភេទ ព្រោះប្ដីព្រងើយកន្តើយ។ ប្រសិនបើអ្នកអាចធ្វើទៅបាននោះវាជាការប្រសើរ និងបានស្គាល់រសជាតិមនុស្សមាឌមាំដូចជាបងពិសិទ្ធអញ្ចឹងដែរ។ គួរអោយស្រឡាញ់ពេញចិត្តគាត់ណាស់...សម្រាប់ខ្ញុំ!!!
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