tthi chea youvochn mneak del mean vy 2 3chhnam te daoysaar roubke
chea kaun anakachonobt thleabthveu srechamkear teub mead robsa ke
thomdambng ning mean sambour sandekbay bonte roubreang ke sanghear ach
daertuokon ban . daoy chivpheap now srokasre mean sapheap yeab yun
kar thveusre minsauv chea ban phokophl ke kaban samrechchett mk rk
karngear thveu now tikrong phnompenh daembi banthourobanthoy chivpheap
kr sar . mokadl phnompenh ke ban chaul bamreu karngear nowknong
rongochakr phlit tukakk muoy kanleng now mdoum chak angre daoy khang
rongochakr ban phdal kanleng aoy ke snaknow knong rongochakr phng der .
thveukear now tinoh ban bonman khe ke chabphdaem mean mitt phokte nowkanleng thveukear cheamuoyoknea cheachraen proh ke ussaa pyeayeam knong karngear nasa lok thawke ka penhchett nung ke khlang nasa der haey ban d mleu ng brakkhe aoy ke themtiet phng . knongchamnaom mitt teangoasa ri tthi snetthosneal cheamuoy visotth khlang cheangke . visotth kuchea anak baeklan brachoam rongochakr noh .
mean thngai muoy visotth ban thveu khuobkamnaet kaun robsa ke ke ban haw ri tthi tow chaulruom ning chuoy somchbab lok thawke ban muoyothngai daembi tow chaulruom phoeksai sabbay teangoasaknea nowphteah robsa visotth . tow dlkanleng thveu pi thi khuobkamnaet ke mean riebcham mhoub cheachraen moukh ruochcheasrech now leu to veng muoy ning mean mnoussa chaulruom yeang chrae kohkr . visotth ban nenam ri tthi aoy anak teangoasaknea skal mdong mnea k ruochamk dl anak chongokraoy ke ku neari vyokmeng srasa saat mneak del trauv chea baaunothlai robsa visotth neang chhmoh l kkhe na chea neari sech sai beb youvvy samyothmei . nea yb noh neang sliekpeak raub khlei leu chongkong pnrkrahm chaet banhchenh klsodn tomham 34 laeng sakhchei kheunh haey kuor aoy chng bbaosaangael beut chonhchok leng chea pnpek . neang ban aon chomreabsuor ri tthi thveuaoy lech sodn teangkou kante chbasa penhophnek thveuaoy ri tthi samlung meul laeng phlukasmartei neang nhnhum towkean brosa sanghear yeung del kampoung phluk haey teahsma ri tthi tech muoy dai ruoch niyeay tha.... eb ng!!! ri tthi phlea k laeng kr nheang niyeay tb tow l kkhe na teang rdebardob vinh tha... bat... bat... suosdei... srei saat.... . ruoch puokke ban chaul tow angkouy now to phoeksai saech kaakakaay cheamuoy batchamrieng Happy Birthday yeang pi roh rondam .
neang tauch l kkhe na hakdauchchea penhchett nung k mloh chonobt yeung nasa neang ban ngeub mk chl kev cheamuoy ri tthi rhaut chamnek neay yeung ka hak lng nung samrosa robsa srei srasa tongovng nasa der leuk phoek dach rhaut mindoeng tha khluoneng sravung laey .
pel banhchob kammovithi visotth ban riebcham bantob muoy aoy ri tthi snaknow proh ke sravung laeng chok khluon tow haey chamnek anak phsaeng ka chabphdaem chenhtow bat asa . visotth kaban betotvear phteah rie braponth robsa ke ban chaul tow bantob riebcham kanlengdek yeang riebary srabte pelnoh visotth ban chaul mk aob neang pikraoy thaebnhinhk yeang pouhkanhchrol proh puokke sotthote sravung riengokhluon ka phlech minban bet konluahtvear troemotrauv laey daoy kreante rounh phtab te min chit touk aoy tvear bantob now chamh r bantich lmom ach meul pi khangokraw yeang chbasa .
chamnek e srei srasa l kkhe na vinh ka sravung khlang nasa der te neang now riebcham robsarobr chanokban del now reaybeay sen teub daer laeng tow samreak te chaidany pel daertow dl moukh bantob robsa bangothlai srabte tou ch damnaer cheamuoy tidthpheap ruomrk knea yeang pouhkanhchrol robsa bangosrei ning bangothlai . neang ban now chhr luoch meul chakabrayoutth da sen rolreal srasa nung phnek now meattvear bantob haeyka chabphdaem mean arommo sriev sraeb muoyrompech . srei srasa l kkhe na chabphdaem yk dai chhli chongdaoh khluoneng leng dai mkheangtiet louk chaul tow knong saamptraub khlei yk mream kandal chrekchaul knong khao sle b da sdaeng robsa neang lou nh chhli kreab lmout chohlaeng rhaut chenh tukromel hier braleak penhdai .
pelnoh der ri tthi del kampoung dek mneak knong bantob knong sapheap sravung ke ban chhu nom ka ngeub chenh teang mmingommeang daer saamdaw bantobtuk daoy minban samlung meul chhveng sdam te . kraoypi chouhnom ruoch ke hakdauchchea thourosbaey pi pheap sravung bantich ka daer tralb mokvinh srabte kheunh l kkhe na kampoungte rmuolokhluon nowmoukh bantob robsa visotth . kheunh dauchneh ke daertow pikraoy thm m min aoy meankar phnheakphaael dl srei srasa del kampoung lng knong arommo tanha laey . ri tthi ban chhr pikraoy chab aob l kkhe na thaeb chhmousachhmoul daem.k koumpotrachiek ruoch ka chab srei tauch beitrakng laeng daer saamdaw bantob delke samreak noh . l kkhe na samlung meul moukh ri tthi teang phnek prum daoy kdei sraebasral ruoch yk dai aob.k k mloh yeung taong laeng thaeb beut meat b ndeu r rhautadl bantob .
ri tthi dak l kkhe na choh leu pou k thnam ruoch thaeb beut meat knea minlenglaey thaeb bandaer dai chab teanh khsaerout bandaer rhaut teanh raub sech sai chenhphot pi reangkay da tauch chraloeng robsa neang . k mloh chonobt yeung chabphdaem thaeb bangaousa choh mk kraom dl kaunophnom teangpir del mean chong kr hm prueng ke beut chonhchok chrabeach leng yeang trekatraaeal . thveuaoy l kkhe na pelnih r meu tr muol khluon reroam leu pouk peungotroung hoch laeng tam changveak nei kar beut chonhchok robsa ri tthi .
( chamnek anakniponth ka ttuol arommo tha saem chong der haey pelnih som tow bantobtuk bantich sen cham mk sr mai bant tiet )
taoh bant tiet...........
ri tthi beut chonhchok kaunophnom asachett ka bangaousa choh kattam kbalpoh ke brae andat chong sruoch litth kraloeng now mdoum ronth phchet robsa l kkhe na thveuaoy neang pheu t pht kbalpoh sriev asa pohvien pohtang banhchenh samleng thngaur lyysaur te au sa au sa asa au sa.... sau t.... . ri tthi kante louklouy khlang cheang moun leuk nih ke bangaousa choh mokadl chanloh phlow ke loutachongkong leu idth chab teanh l kkhe na mk kem kre ruoch leukcheung teangpir robsa neang laeng bangheanh aoy kheunh dambauk sne robsa neang laeng baong dauch nomakao r del kampoung laeng me chenh snamobreh kheunh changaour del mean tukhaur ri ch ri ch...( lebtukmeat muoy sen tow hasa hasa)
ri tthi chhngok chaul tow litth kreab se robsa neang del kampoungte lo k phdoek beut chonhchok kmean saamchai thveuaoy l kkhe na haeb kout phot pi kre cheung teang pi kieb chaul laeng chng breh kbal robsa k mloh yeung tow haey.... neay yeung chab hek cheung neang chenh vinh daembiaoy andat robsa ke sruol thveukear . ke ban rouk chong andat chaul tow knong snamobreh louklouy rhaut kheunh roung kamtep ka bant roulchaul rhautadl tichomrow... l kkhe na rbaut samleng thngaur lyysaur te au sa asa husa... sau t...... sruol nasa bng........ . neay yeung hak ttuol arommo tha mean tuk avei myeang kampoung banh chenh mk chrauch chaul meat neay mean rosacheate chhlem kuchea tuk m nd sne robsa l kkhe na pel dl chamnochkampoul phtuon ning bant chenh kmean ti banhchob bae neay nowte bant litth rbieb nih tiet . daoy kheunh sapheapkar bebnih neay yeung ka kampoungte dl k phng der ngeubachhr laeng yk dai tr kangcheung neang ruoch chab kan kbal neak dak tamrong meat roung yk kbal neak tr doh now tinoh aoy saem kbal bantich ka bok chaul chrou ch rhaut lich bat dl kl thveuaoy srei tauch srek teang phleat samleng... au y... asa.... bng.... au sa..... ruoch troam khameat tb min aoy chenh samleng mk khlangpek . neay yeung tram avouth knong noh bantich ka chabphdaem yok trakak baok phtab muoy te lich kb dl kl . l kkhe na broeng khameat dai chab khnha kamrealpouk banhchenh khyal mk sau t.... sat.. tam cheungothmenh . cham ne k ri tthi chehte bokrouk pi kraom kmean saamchai proh ronth robsa neang pitchea toengnen sruol nasa tohchea neang min now hsai nka daoy ka min dauchchea bradeab sreilkkhluon delke thleab tow leng cheamuoy anak thveukear cheamuoyoknea laeng rloung khsaou ch noh der .
leng kbach nih muoyosantouh ri tthi ban laeng tow dekaphngar leu kre haey aoy l kkhe na laeng angkouy pi leu vinh mdong . l kkhe na laeng mk angkouy yeang sab chab snaul dak chaul ronth robsa neang ruoch neang chabphdaem angruon reng khluon chohlaeng yol yok dai chrat tow kraoy trakak rutte reng khlang tow sangsoek neay yeung vinh yeang teanhn . neay yeung ka rbaut samleng oesa oesa mdong der . dai teangkou robsa neay ka min touk aoy tomner der ban chab sodn robsa neang chrabeach leng chhli chong laeng rung k mprusa daembi chuoy phdal pheap sriev sraeb aoy neang kante khlang .
l kkhe na kante reng khlang tow rhaut bekappouh saskol braleak penh kl rom ning blaok thveuaoy dambng se lba kante relokhlang ngeayosruol reng daoy kmean ubasakk neang yok khluon kante khlang tow daoy minokhchei baekaphnek meul avei laey rhautadl k mloh yeung troam leng ban dach kng troemnih banh tuk penh knong roung sne robsa neang chrauch chrauch chrauch.... te l kkhe na now mintean banhchhob phleam te neang nowte aob.k neay yeung cheab angkouy rou sa chohlaeng tealte neakreach tn k rngiek dek sdaukasdoeng teub neang chhb sakammopheap .
penh muoy yb noh k mloh chonobt ri tthi ban phloksa rosacheate kramoum tikrong rhautadl tow buon dng haey rypel kraoyomk tiet puokke tengte natchuob knea lengolbeng snehea chea nhuknheab .
thveukear now tinoh ban bonman khe ke chabphdaem mean mitt phokte nowkanleng thveukear cheamuoyoknea cheachraen proh ke ussaa pyeayeam knong karngear nasa lok thawke ka penhchett nung ke khlang nasa der haey ban d mleu ng brakkhe aoy ke themtiet phng . knongchamnaom mitt teangoasa ri tthi snetthosneal cheamuoy visotth khlang cheangke . visotth kuchea anak baeklan brachoam rongochakr noh .
mean thngai muoy visotth ban thveu khuobkamnaet kaun robsa ke ke ban haw ri tthi tow chaulruom ning chuoy somchbab lok thawke ban muoyothngai daembi tow chaulruom phoeksai sabbay teangoasaknea nowphteah robsa visotth . tow dlkanleng thveu pi thi khuobkamnaet ke mean riebcham mhoub cheachraen moukh ruochcheasrech now leu to veng muoy ning mean mnoussa chaulruom yeang chrae kohkr . visotth ban nenam ri tthi aoy anak teangoasaknea skal mdong mnea k ruochamk dl anak chongokraoy ke ku neari vyokmeng srasa saat mneak del trauv chea baaunothlai robsa visotth neang chhmoh l kkhe na chea neari sech sai beb youvvy samyothmei . nea yb noh neang sliekpeak raub khlei leu chongkong pnrkrahm chaet banhchenh klsodn tomham 34 laeng sakhchei kheunh haey kuor aoy chng bbaosaangael beut chonhchok leng chea pnpek . neang ban aon chomreabsuor ri tthi thveuaoy lech sodn teangkou kante chbasa penhophnek thveuaoy ri tthi samlung meul laeng phlukasmartei neang nhnhum towkean brosa sanghear yeung del kampoung phluk haey teahsma ri tthi tech muoy dai ruoch niyeay tha.... eb ng!!! ri tthi phlea k laeng kr nheang niyeay tb tow l kkhe na teang rdebardob vinh tha... bat... bat... suosdei... srei saat.... . ruoch puokke ban chaul tow angkouy now to phoeksai saech kaakakaay cheamuoy batchamrieng Happy Birthday yeang pi roh rondam .
neang tauch l kkhe na hakdauchchea penhchett nung k mloh chonobt yeung nasa neang ban ngeub mk chl kev cheamuoy ri tthi rhaut chamnek neay yeung ka hak lng nung samrosa robsa srei srasa tongovng nasa der leuk phoek dach rhaut mindoeng tha khluoneng sravung laey .
pel banhchob kammovithi visotth ban riebcham bantob muoy aoy ri tthi snaknow proh ke sravung laeng chok khluon tow haey chamnek anak phsaeng ka chabphdaem chenhtow bat asa . visotth kaban betotvear phteah rie braponth robsa ke ban chaul tow bantob riebcham kanlengdek yeang riebary srabte pelnoh visotth ban chaul mk aob neang pikraoy thaebnhinhk yeang pouhkanhchrol proh puokke sotthote sravung riengokhluon ka phlech minban bet konluahtvear troemotrauv laey daoy kreante rounh phtab te min chit touk aoy tvear bantob now chamh r bantich lmom ach meul pi khangokraw yeang chbasa .
chamnek e srei srasa l kkhe na vinh ka sravung khlang nasa der te neang now riebcham robsarobr chanokban del now reaybeay sen teub daer laeng tow samreak te chaidany pel daertow dl moukh bantob robsa bangothlai srabte tou ch damnaer cheamuoy tidthpheap ruomrk knea yeang pouhkanhchrol robsa bangosrei ning bangothlai . neang ban now chhr luoch meul chakabrayoutth da sen rolreal srasa nung phnek now meattvear bantob haeyka chabphdaem mean arommo sriev sraeb muoyrompech . srei srasa l kkhe na chabphdaem yk dai chhli chongdaoh khluoneng leng dai mkheangtiet louk chaul tow knong saamptraub khlei yk mream kandal chrekchaul knong khao sle b da sdaeng robsa neang lou nh chhli kreab lmout chohlaeng rhaut chenh tukromel hier braleak penhdai .
pelnoh der ri tthi del kampoung dek mneak knong bantob knong sapheap sravung ke ban chhu nom ka ngeub chenh teang mmingommeang daer saamdaw bantobtuk daoy minban samlung meul chhveng sdam te . kraoypi chouhnom ruoch ke hakdauchchea thourosbaey pi pheap sravung bantich ka daer tralb mokvinh srabte kheunh l kkhe na kampoungte rmuolokhluon nowmoukh bantob robsa visotth . kheunh dauchneh ke daertow pikraoy thm m min aoy meankar phnheakphaael dl srei srasa del kampoung lng knong arommo tanha laey . ri tthi ban chhr pikraoy chab aob l kkhe na thaeb chhmousachhmoul daem.k koumpotrachiek ruoch ka chab srei tauch beitrakng laeng daer saamdaw bantob delke samreak noh . l kkhe na samlung meul moukh ri tthi teang phnek prum daoy kdei sraebasral ruoch yk dai aob.k k mloh yeung taong laeng thaeb beut meat b ndeu r rhautadl bantob .
ri tthi dak l kkhe na choh leu pou k thnam ruoch thaeb beut meat knea minlenglaey thaeb bandaer dai chab teanh khsaerout bandaer rhaut teanh raub sech sai chenhphot pi reangkay da tauch chraloeng robsa neang . k mloh chonobt yeung chabphdaem thaeb bangaousa choh mk kraom dl kaunophnom teangpir del mean chong kr hm prueng ke beut chonhchok chrabeach leng yeang trekatraaeal . thveuaoy l kkhe na pelnih r meu tr muol khluon reroam leu pouk peungotroung hoch laeng tam changveak nei kar beut chonhchok robsa ri tthi .
( chamnek anakniponth ka ttuol arommo tha saem chong der haey pelnih som tow bantobtuk bantich sen cham mk sr mai bant tiet )
taoh bant tiet...........
ri tthi beut chonhchok kaunophnom asachett ka bangaousa choh kattam kbalpoh ke brae andat chong sruoch litth kraloeng now mdoum ronth phchet robsa l kkhe na thveuaoy neang pheu t pht kbalpoh sriev asa pohvien pohtang banhchenh samleng thngaur lyysaur te au sa au sa asa au sa.... sau t.... . ri tthi kante louklouy khlang cheang moun leuk nih ke bangaousa choh mokadl chanloh phlow ke loutachongkong leu idth chab teanh l kkhe na mk kem kre ruoch leukcheung teangpir robsa neang laeng bangheanh aoy kheunh dambauk sne robsa neang laeng baong dauch nomakao r del kampoung laeng me chenh snamobreh kheunh changaour del mean tukhaur ri ch ri ch...( lebtukmeat muoy sen tow hasa hasa)
ri tthi chhngok chaul tow litth kreab se robsa neang del kampoungte lo k phdoek beut chonhchok kmean saamchai thveuaoy l kkhe na haeb kout phot pi kre cheung teang pi kieb chaul laeng chng breh kbal robsa k mloh yeung tow haey.... neay yeung chab hek cheung neang chenh vinh daembiaoy andat robsa ke sruol thveukear . ke ban rouk chong andat chaul tow knong snamobreh louklouy rhaut kheunh roung kamtep ka bant roulchaul rhautadl tichomrow... l kkhe na rbaut samleng thngaur lyysaur te au sa asa husa... sau t...... sruol nasa bng........ . neay yeung hak ttuol arommo tha mean tuk avei myeang kampoung banh chenh mk chrauch chaul meat neay mean rosacheate chhlem kuchea tuk m nd sne robsa l kkhe na pel dl chamnochkampoul phtuon ning bant chenh kmean ti banhchob bae neay nowte bant litth rbieb nih tiet . daoy kheunh sapheapkar bebnih neay yeung ka kampoungte dl k phng der ngeubachhr laeng yk dai tr kangcheung neang ruoch chab kan kbal neak dak tamrong meat roung yk kbal neak tr doh now tinoh aoy saem kbal bantich ka bok chaul chrou ch rhaut lich bat dl kl thveuaoy srei tauch srek teang phleat samleng... au y... asa.... bng.... au sa..... ruoch troam khameat tb min aoy chenh samleng mk khlangpek . neay yeung tram avouth knong noh bantich ka chabphdaem yok trakak baok phtab muoy te lich kb dl kl . l kkhe na broeng khameat dai chab khnha kamrealpouk banhchenh khyal mk sau t.... sat.. tam cheungothmenh . cham ne k ri tthi chehte bokrouk pi kraom kmean saamchai proh ronth robsa neang pitchea toengnen sruol nasa tohchea neang min now hsai nka daoy ka min dauchchea bradeab sreilkkhluon delke thleab tow leng cheamuoy anak thveukear cheamuoyoknea laeng rloung khsaou ch noh der .
leng kbach nih muoyosantouh ri tthi ban laeng tow dekaphngar leu kre haey aoy l kkhe na laeng angkouy pi leu vinh mdong . l kkhe na laeng mk angkouy yeang sab chab snaul dak chaul ronth robsa neang ruoch neang chabphdaem angruon reng khluon chohlaeng yol yok dai chrat tow kraoy trakak rutte reng khlang tow sangsoek neay yeung vinh yeang teanhn . neay yeung ka rbaut samleng oesa oesa mdong der . dai teangkou robsa neay ka min touk aoy tomner der ban chab sodn robsa neang chrabeach leng chhli chong laeng rung k mprusa daembi chuoy phdal pheap sriev sraeb aoy neang kante khlang .
l kkhe na kante reng khlang tow rhaut bekappouh saskol braleak penh kl rom ning blaok thveuaoy dambng se lba kante relokhlang ngeayosruol reng daoy kmean ubasakk neang yok khluon kante khlang tow daoy minokhchei baekaphnek meul avei laey rhautadl k mloh yeung troam leng ban dach kng troemnih banh tuk penh knong roung sne robsa neang chrauch chrauch chrauch.... te l kkhe na now mintean banhchhob phleam te neang nowte aob.k neay yeung cheab angkouy rou sa chohlaeng tealte neakreach tn k rngiek dek sdaukasdoeng teub neang chhb sakammopheap .
penh muoy yb noh k mloh chonobt ri tthi ban phloksa rosacheate kramoum tikrong rhautadl tow buon dng haey rypel kraoyomk tiet puokke tengte natchuob knea lengolbeng snehea chea nhuknheab .
Rati is a young man who has a 23-year-old child because he worked farming rural large volume sticks and sambour_sandekbay but shape the looks can daertuokon. By living in the countryside have been poorly farmed less aromatic, they decided to come to work in the city to ease middle class families. Arrival Hall joined in an ice factory where house at Chak factory offered a place to stay in the factory.
Worked there a few months, they began to have friends at work together for their diligent work boss also very satisfied with their salary and promote them further. Among all, Rithy bonded with most saints. Saints is driving at the factory.
One day saints made their birthday child called Rati to join and help apply his boss one day to drink holy fun together at home. To the field, making the birthday of ready prepared food on the table a long and involved many people walking. Rithy saints introduced you to be the one already known to last you are a beautiful young woman who is a brother of her holy name Leakena modern sexy young woman. At night, she was wearing a short dress on red knee vivid expression klsodn size 34 up sakhchei should want bbaosaangael D. sucking play tough. She bowed How are you Rati breast appear better Souvannary, Rithy penhophnek looked up she phlukasmartei smile to the looks we were entranced, and a small tap Rithy said .... Apple!!! Rithy aperture Pả to Leakena moguls ... Yes ... Yes ... hello ... pretty ..... Then they have to sit at the table and drinking humor with Happy Birthday song a beautiful melody.
Her small Leakena seemed satisfied with our rural groom her recovery bull glass with Rati chief we also seem to drown the beauty of female tongovong drink separate until know herself drunk.
The end of the holy room Rati stay drunk because its success, while others began to leave it out. Saints also shut down the house while his wife went into the room prepared kanlengdek control suddenly then saints came to embrace her behind thaebnhinhk very turmoil because they are drunk respective well forget not closed konluahtvear valid by simply pushing the ropes but not nearly let the door room open slightly enough to see from the outside clearly.
Whereas female Leakena also drunk very well but she was prepared items chanokban which scattered if just walk up to the break but accidentally when walking to the front of the room's brother suddenly shareholders may travel with the view to sexually together turmoil's sister and brother. She remained standing eavesdropping staging A rolreal fresh eyes at the door of the room and began to feel scary racy instant. Fresh start Leakena hand crumpled self chongdaoh the other hand quietly into saamptraub short middle fingers chrekchaul pants Muslims her thin howl crumpled without Kimlomouth offs until discharge runny stains penhdai.
As Rati a sleeping room in a drunken state painful bladder lift Bathroom left both mmingommeang walk without looking left and right. After urinating, and they seem to be less of slightly drunk walking back suddenly found Leakena holy room due rmuolokhluon before. So they walk behind battery no surprise to women who are drowning in passion. Rati stood behind rugby Leakena kiss Charin. Koumpotrachiek small my beitrakang walk that they break room. Leakena looking forward Rati for eye prum_ erotic and rugby. Groom kiss we cling D. mouth ignorance until room.
Rati Leakena gently down on the mattress and D. mouth kiss kiss minlenglaey, escort the arm pull khsaerout escort sexy dress getting her body spunky. Rural groom we started kissing flip down to the last two hills kr_hm_prueng_ D. sucking combining sensual. Make Leakena now look rmuolokhluon dance on the mattress peungotroung pass up the chain of suction sucking Rati.
(The author also felt that the wet end, and now to the bathroom slightly further imagine)
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Let's continue ...........
Rati D. sucking hills frustration also flip down through belly used tongue cusp tasting Lathe house at the hole center of Leakena make her Perth, portal belly scary all pohvien_pohtang voice moaned wheezing but Ing white Ing white arsenic Ing disk .... ad the continued ..... Rati more invaded stronger this time they flip down arrival interval thigh their knees on the floor grabbed Leakena come edge beds already feet both her up presents a Dombukbey love her bulges like nomakao of which are ferment out snamobreh found groove that is flooded States of America ... (swallow a first to fastfood fastfood)
Rati bowed into tasting nuts CIA her being his phdoek_ D. suck no economical makes Leakena lift buttocks out of bed legs both plugs into increasingly want valves head of the groom, we go and .... spent our ripped legs her out back to the tongue's been easy work. Exploration tongue into snamobreh invaded tunnel kamtep also continued to rush up tichomrow ... Leakena conceded voice moaned wheezing Ing hus ... ad the Prevention ...... ......... Cost us seem to feel that there is water something being out World Events into the mouth Cost taste chhlem each is water charms of Leakena when orgasm repeatedly and continue out endless if officers continue tasting this way anymore. By seeing the situation such officers, we are also to also stand up hand checks bangle she then grab hold of the head dragon put straight mouth tunnel take the head dragon securities grows there to wet the head little piles boost until disappear to notes makes little scream slip voice ... auy ... Address .... Brother .... Ing disk ..... already resistant khameat not resist to issue a voice came too. Cost us soak arms slightly in each startup investment hip tossed ropes west buried roots. Leakena efforts khameat khnham kamrealpouk air ad the century .... .. by cheungothmenh. Predominate Rati oscillating bokrouk under no economical because her hole is so compressed, although she was not in Zimbabwe, unlike armed sreilkkhluon they used to come with you to work together the loose khsaou.
Martial while Rithy dekaphngar bed and Leakena sit back on again. Are Leakena sitting with all devotion core put into her hole and then she started shakes sift down dangling arm crutches after hip even sift stronger retaliation significant pay us back. We also conceded officers voice ATM ATM gradually. Wittedness officers also spare not let her breast pump crumpled end the hardening of mpru to help provide scary increasingly racy for her.
Leakena more sift vigor until bekappouh white skol stains rooted hair and bladder makes sticks rights lba more relokhlang easily sift without obstacles she invested herself getting stronger by Not Even lift anything up to groom our resistance no longer have separate bike only this water filled tunnels love her World World World .... but Leakena yet stopped immediately she still hugging. The officers we stuck sitting dismantle unusable until goddess soft neck rngiek sleep sdaukasdoeng she stop action.
Throughout the night, the groom rural Rati taste Queen City, up to four times, and then they always appointments often love to gamble.
Worked there a few months, they began to have friends at work together for their diligent work boss also very satisfied with their salary and promote them further. Among all, Rithy bonded with most saints. Saints is driving at the factory.
One day saints made their birthday child called Rati to join and help apply his boss one day to drink holy fun together at home. To the field, making the birthday of ready prepared food on the table a long and involved many people walking. Rithy saints introduced you to be the one already known to last you are a beautiful young woman who is a brother of her holy name Leakena modern sexy young woman. At night, she was wearing a short dress on red knee vivid expression klsodn size 34 up sakhchei should want bbaosaangael D. sucking play tough. She bowed How are you Rati breast appear better Souvannary, Rithy penhophnek looked up she phlukasmartei smile to the looks we were entranced, and a small tap Rithy said .... Apple!!! Rithy aperture Pả to Leakena moguls ... Yes ... Yes ... hello ... pretty ..... Then they have to sit at the table and drinking humor with Happy Birthday song a beautiful melody.
Her small Leakena seemed satisfied with our rural groom her recovery bull glass with Rati chief we also seem to drown the beauty of female tongovong drink separate until know herself drunk.
The end of the holy room Rati stay drunk because its success, while others began to leave it out. Saints also shut down the house while his wife went into the room prepared kanlengdek control suddenly then saints came to embrace her behind thaebnhinhk very turmoil because they are drunk respective well forget not closed konluahtvear valid by simply pushing the ropes but not nearly let the door room open slightly enough to see from the outside clearly.
Whereas female Leakena also drunk very well but she was prepared items chanokban which scattered if just walk up to the break but accidentally when walking to the front of the room's brother suddenly shareholders may travel with the view to sexually together turmoil's sister and brother. She remained standing eavesdropping staging A rolreal fresh eyes at the door of the room and began to feel scary racy instant. Fresh start Leakena hand crumpled self chongdaoh the other hand quietly into saamptraub short middle fingers chrekchaul pants Muslims her thin howl crumpled without Kimlomouth offs until discharge runny stains penhdai.
As Rati a sleeping room in a drunken state painful bladder lift Bathroom left both mmingommeang walk without looking left and right. After urinating, and they seem to be less of slightly drunk walking back suddenly found Leakena holy room due rmuolokhluon before. So they walk behind battery no surprise to women who are drowning in passion. Rati stood behind rugby Leakena kiss Charin. Koumpotrachiek small my beitrakang walk that they break room. Leakena looking forward Rati for eye prum_ erotic and rugby. Groom kiss we cling D. mouth ignorance until room.
Rati Leakena gently down on the mattress and D. mouth kiss kiss minlenglaey, escort the arm pull khsaerout escort sexy dress getting her body spunky. Rural groom we started kissing flip down to the last two hills kr_hm_prueng_ D. sucking combining sensual. Make Leakena now look rmuolokhluon dance on the mattress peungotroung pass up the chain of suction sucking Rati.
(The author also felt that the wet end, and now to the bathroom slightly further imagine)
***************** ................... ****************
Let's continue ...........
Rati D. sucking hills frustration also flip down through belly used tongue cusp tasting Lathe house at the hole center of Leakena make her Perth, portal belly scary all pohvien_pohtang voice moaned wheezing but Ing white Ing white arsenic Ing disk .... ad the continued ..... Rati more invaded stronger this time they flip down arrival interval thigh their knees on the floor grabbed Leakena come edge beds already feet both her up presents a Dombukbey love her bulges like nomakao of which are ferment out snamobreh found groove that is flooded States of America ... (swallow a first to fastfood fastfood)
Rati bowed into tasting nuts CIA her being his phdoek_ D. suck no economical makes Leakena lift buttocks out of bed legs both plugs into increasingly want valves head of the groom, we go and .... spent our ripped legs her out back to the tongue's been easy work. Exploration tongue into snamobreh invaded tunnel kamtep also continued to rush up tichomrow ... Leakena conceded voice moaned wheezing Ing hus ... ad the Prevention ...... ......... Cost us seem to feel that there is water something being out World Events into the mouth Cost taste chhlem each is water charms of Leakena when orgasm repeatedly and continue out endless if officers continue tasting this way anymore. By seeing the situation such officers, we are also to also stand up hand checks bangle she then grab hold of the head dragon put straight mouth tunnel take the head dragon securities grows there to wet the head little piles boost until disappear to notes makes little scream slip voice ... auy ... Address .... Brother .... Ing disk ..... already resistant khameat not resist to issue a voice came too. Cost us soak arms slightly in each startup investment hip tossed ropes west buried roots. Leakena efforts khameat khnham kamrealpouk air ad the century .... .. by cheungothmenh. Predominate Rati oscillating bokrouk under no economical because her hole is so compressed, although she was not in Zimbabwe, unlike armed sreilkkhluon they used to come with you to work together the loose khsaou.
Martial while Rithy dekaphngar bed and Leakena sit back on again. Are Leakena sitting with all devotion core put into her hole and then she started shakes sift down dangling arm crutches after hip even sift stronger retaliation significant pay us back. We also conceded officers voice ATM ATM gradually. Wittedness officers also spare not let her breast pump crumpled end the hardening of mpru to help provide scary increasingly racy for her.
Leakena more sift vigor until bekappouh white skol stains rooted hair and bladder makes sticks rights lba more relokhlang easily sift without obstacles she invested herself getting stronger by Not Even lift anything up to groom our resistance no longer have separate bike only this water filled tunnels love her World World World .... but Leakena yet stopped immediately she still hugging. The officers we stuck sitting dismantle unusable until goddess soft neck rngiek sleep sdaukasdoeng she stop action.
Throughout the night, the groom rural Rati taste Queen City, up to four times, and then they always appointments often love to gamble.
ធ្វើការនៅទីនោះបានប៉ុន្មានខែគេចាប់ផ្ដើមមានមិត្តភក្តិនៅកន្លែងធ្វើការជាមួយគ្នាជាច្រើន ព្រោះគេឧស្សាហ៍ព្យាយាមក្នុងការងារណាស់ លោកថៅកែក៏ពេញចិត្តនឹងគេខ្លាំងណាស់ដែរ ហើយបានដម្លើងប្រាក់ខែអោយគេថែមទៀតផង។ ក្នុងចំណោមមិត្តទាំងអស់ រិទ្ធី ស្និទ្ធស្នាលជាមួយ វិសុទ្ធ ខ្លាំងជាងគេ។ វិសុទ្ធគឺជាអ្នកបើកឡានប្រចាំរោងចក្រនោះ។
មានថ្ងៃមួយវិសុទ្ធបានធ្វើខួបកំណើតកូនរបស់គេ គេបានហៅរិទ្ធីទៅចូលរួមនិងជួយសុំច្បាប់លោកថៅកែបានមួយថ្ងៃ ដើម្បីទៅចូលរួមផឹកស៊ីសប្បាយទាំងអស់គ្នានៅផ្ទះរបស់វិសុទ្ធ។ ទៅដល់កន្លែងធ្វើពីធីខួបកំណើត គេមានរៀបចំម្ហូបជាច្រើនមុខរួចជាស្រេចនៅលើតុវែងមួយ និងមានមនុស្សចូលរួមយ៉ាងច្រើកុះករ។ វិសុទ្ធបានណែនាំរិទ្ធីអោយអ្នកទាំងអស់គ្នាស្គាល់ម្ដងម្នាក់ៗ រួចមកដល់អ្នកចុងក្រោយគេគឺនារីវ័យក្មេងស្រស់ស្អាតម្នាក់ ដែលត្រូវជាប្អូនថ្លៃរបស់វិសុទ្ធ នាងឈ្មោះលក្ខិណា ជានារីសិចស៊ីបែបយុវវ័យសម័យថ្មី ។ នាយប់នោះនាងស្លៀកពាក់រ៉ូបខ្លីលើជង្គង់ពណ៌ក្រហមឆើត បញ្ចេញគល់សុដន់ទំហំ៣៤ ឡើងសខ្ចី ឃើញហើយគួរអោយចង់បបោសអង្អែលបឺតជញ្ជក់លេងជាពន់ពេក។ នាងបានឱនជំរាបសួររិទ្ធី ធ្វើអោយលេចសុដន់ទាំងគូកាន់តែច្បាស់ពេញភ្នែក ធ្វើអោយរិទ្ធីសម្លឹងមើលឡើងភ្លឹកស្មារតី នាងញញឹមទៅកាន់ប្រុសសង្ហារយើង ដែលកំពុងភ្លឹក ហើយទះស្មារិទ្ធីតិចៗមួយដៃ រួចនិយាយថា....អេបង!!! រីទ្ធីភ្លាក់ឡើងក្រញ៉ាង និយាយតបទៅលក្ខិណាទាំងរដិបរដុបវិញថា...បាទ...បាទ...សួស្ដី...ស្រីស្អាត....។ រួចពួកគេបានចូលទៅអង្គុយនៅតុផឹកស៊ីសើចក្អាកក្អាយ ជាមួយបទចំរៀង Happy Birthday យ៉ាងពិរោះរណ្ដំ។
នាងតូចលក្ខិណា ហាក់ដូចជាពេញចិត្តនឹងកម្លោះជនបទយើងណាស់ នាងបានងើបមកជល់កែវជាមួយរិទ្ធីរហូត ចំណែកនាយយើងក៏ហាក់លង់នឹងសម្រស់របស់ស្រីស្រស់ទងវងណាស់ដែរ លើកផឹកដាច់រហូតមិនដឹងថាខ្លួនឯងស្រវឹងឡើយ។
ពេលបញ្ចប់កម្មវិធីវិសុទ្ធបានរៀបចំបន្ទប់មួយអោយរិទ្ធីស្នាក់នៅ ព្រោះគេស្រវឹងឡើងជោគខ្លួនទៅហើយ ចំណែកអ្នកផ្សេងក៏ចាប់ផ្ដើមចេញទៅបាត់អស់។ វិសុទ្ធក៏បានបិទទ្វារផ្ទះ រីឯប្រពន្ធរបស់គេបានចូលទៅបន្ទប់រៀបចំកន្លែងដេកយ៉ាងរៀបរយ ស្រាប់តែពេលនោះវិសុទ្ធបានចូលមកឱបនាងពីក្រោយថើបញីញក់ យ៉ាងពុះកញ្ជ្រោលព្រោះពួកគេសុទ្ធតែស្រវឹងរៀងខ្លួន ក៏ភ្លេចមិនបានបិទគន្លឹះទ្វារត្រឹមត្រូវឡើយដោយគ្រាន់តែរុញផ្ទប់ តែមិនជិត ទុកអោយទ្វារបន្ទប់នៅចំហរបន្តិចល្មមអាចមើលពីខាងក្រៅយ៉ាងច្បាស់។
ចំណែកឯស្រីស្រស់លក្ខិណាវិញ ក៏ស្រវឹងខ្លាំងណាស់ដែរ តែនាងនៅរៀបចំរបស់របរចានក្បានដែលនៅរាយប៉ាយសិន ទើបដើរឡើងទៅសម្រាក តែចៃដន្យ ពេលដើរទៅដល់មុខបន្ទប់របស់បងថ្លៃ ស្រាប់តែទុចដំណើរជាមួយទិដ្ឋភាពរួមរ័កគ្នាយ៉ាងពុះកញ្ជ្រោល របស់បងស្រីនិងបងថ្លៃ។ នាងបាននៅឈរលួចមើលឆាកប្រយុទ្ធដ៏សែនរោលរាលស្រស់ៗនឹងភ្នែក នៅមាត់ទ្វារបន្ទប់ ហើយក៏ចាប់ផ្ដើមមានអារម្មណ៍ស្រៀវស្រើបមួយរំពេច។ ស្រីស្រស់លក្ខិណាចាប់ផ្ដើមយកដៃឈ្លីចុងដោះខ្លួនឯងលេង ដៃម្ខាងទៀតលូកចូលទៅក្នុងសំពត់រ៉ូបខ្លី យកម្រាមកណ្ដាលជ្រែកចូលក្នុងខោស្លិបដ៏ស្ដើងរបស់នាង លុញឈ្លីគ្រាប់ល្មុតចុះឡើង រហូតចេញទឹករំអិលហៀរប្រឡាក់ពេញដៃ ។
ពេលនោះដែររិទ្ធីដែលកំពុងដេកម្នាក់ក្នុងបន្ទប់ក្នុងសភាពស្រវឹង គេបានឈឺនោមក៏ងើបចេញទាំងមមីងមមាំង ដើរសំដៅបន្ទប់ទឹក ដោយមិនបានសម្លឹងមើលឆ្វេងស្ដាំទេ។ ក្រោយពីជុះនោមរួច គេហាក់ដូចជាធូរស្បើយពីភាពស្រវឹងបន្តិច ក៏ដើរត្រលប់មកវិញ ស្រាប់តែឃើញលក្ខិណា កំពុងតែរមួលខ្លួននៅមុខបន្ទប់របស់វិសុទ្ធ។ ឃើញដូច្នេះគេដើរទៅពីក្រោយថ្មមៗ មិនអោយមានការភ្ញាក់ផ្អើលដល់ស្រីស្រស់ដែលកំពុងលង់ក្នុងអារម្មណ៍តណ្ហាឡើយ។ រិទ្ធីបានឈរពីក្រោយចាប់ឱបលក្ខិណាថើបឈ្មុសឈ្មុលដើម.ក គុម្ពត្រចៀក រួចក៏ចាប់ស្រីតូចបីត្រកងឡើងដើរសំដៅបន្ទប់ដែលគេសម្រាកនោះ។ លក្ខិណាសម្លឹងមើលមុខរិទ្ធី ទាំងភ្នែកព្រឹមៗ ដោយក្ដីស្រើបស្រាល រួចយកដៃឱប.ក កម្លោះយើង តោងឡើងថើបបឺតមាត់បន្ដើររហូតដល់បន្ទប់។
រិទ្ធីដាក់លក្ខិណាចុះលើពូកថ្នមៗ រួចថើបបឺតមាត់គ្នាមិនលែងឡើយ ថើបបណ្ដើរដៃចាប់ទាញខ្សែរូតបណ្ដើរ រហូតទាញរ៉ូបសិចស៊ីចេញផុតពីរាងកាយដ៏តូចច្រឡឹងរបស់នាង។ កម្លោះជនបទយើងចាប់ផ្ដើមថើបបង្អូសចុះមកក្រោមដល់កូនភ្នំទាំងពីរ ដែលមានចុងក្រហមព្រឿងៗ គេបឺតជញ្ជក់ច្របាច់លេងយ៉ាងត្រេកត្រអាល។ ធ្វើអោយលក្ខិណាពេលនេះ រមើតរមួលខ្លួន រេរាំលើពូក ពើងទ្រូងហុចឡើងតាមចង្វាក់នៃការបឺតជញ្ជក់របស់រិទ្ធី។
(ចំណែកអ្នកនិពន្ធក៏ទទួលអារម្មណ៍ថា សើមចុងដែរហើយពេលនេះសុំទៅបន្ទប់ទឹកបន្តិចសិន ចាំមកស្រម៉ៃបន្តទៀត )
រិទ្ធីបឺតជញ្ជក់កូនភ្នំអស់ចិត្ត ក៏បង្អូសចុះកាត់តាមក្បាលពោះ គេប្រើអណ្ដាតចុងស្រួចលិទ្ធក្រឡឹងនៅម្ដុំរន្ធផ្ចិតរបស់លក្ខិណា ធ្វើអោយនាងភើតផតក្បាលពោះស្រៀវអស់ពោះវៀនពោះតាំង បញ្ចេញសម្លេងថ្ងូរឮសូរតែ អ៊ឹស អ៊ឹស អាស អ៊ឹស....ស៊ឺត....។ រិទ្ធីកាន់តែលុកលុយខ្លាំងជាងមុន លើកនេះគេបង្អូសចុះមកដល់ចន្លោះភ្លៅ គេលុតជង្គង់លើឥដ្ឋ ចាប់ទាញលក្ខិណា មកគែមគ្រែ រួចលើកជើងទាំងពីររបស់នាងឡើង បង្ហាញអោយឃើញដំបូកស្នេហ៍របស់នាង ឡើងប៉ោងដូចនំអាកោរដែលកំពុងឡើងមេ ចេញស្នាមប្រេះឃើញចង្អូរដែលមានទឹកហូររិចរិច...(លេបទឹកមាត់មួយសិនទៅ ហាសហាស)
រិទ្ធីឈ្ងោកចូលទៅលិទ្ធគ្រាប់សេរបស់នាង ដែលកំពុងតែលោកផ្ដឹកៗ បឺតជញ្ជក់គ្មានសំចៃ ធ្វើអោយលក្ខិណាហើបគូទផុតពីគ្រែ ជើងទាំងពីកៀបចូលឡើងចង់ប្រេះក្បាលរបស់កម្លោះយើងទៅហើយ.... នាយយើងចាប់ហែកជើងនាងចេញវិញ ដើម្បីអោយអណ្ដាតរបស់គេស្រួលធ្វើការ។ គេបានរុកចុងអណ្ដាតចូលទៅក្នុងស្នាមប្រេះ លុកលុយរហូតឃើញរូងកាមទេព ក៏បន្តរុលចូលរហូតដល់ទីជម្រៅ...លក្ខិណារបូតសម្លេងថ្ងូរឮសូរតែ អ៊ឹស អស ហ៊ឹស...ស៊ឺត......ស្រួលណាស់បង........។ នាយយើងហាក់ទទួលអារម្មណ៍ថា មានទឹកអ្វីម្យ៉ាងកំពុងបាញ់ចេញមកច្រូចៗ ចូលមាត់នាយ មានរសជាតិឈ្លេមៗ គឺជាទឹកមន្ដស្នេហ៍របស់លក្ខិណាពេលដល់ចំណុចកំពូល ផ្ទួនៗ និងបន្តចេញគ្មានទីបញ្ចប់បើនាយនៅតែបន្តលិទ្ធរបៀបនេះទៀត។ ដោយឃើញសភាពការណ៍បែបនេះ នាយយើងក៏កំពុងតែដល់កផងដែរ ងើបឈរឡើងយកដៃត្រកងជើងនាង រួចចាប់កាន់ក្បាលនាគដាក់តម្រង់មាត់រូង យកក្បាលនាគត្រដុះនៅទីនោះអោយសើមក្បាលបន្តិច ក៏បុកចូលជ្រុចរហូតលិចបាត់ដល់គល់ ធ្វើអោយស្រីតូច ស្រែកទាំងភ្លាត់សម្លេង...អូយ...អាស....បង....អ៊ឹស..... រួចទ្រាំខាំមាត់ទប់មិនអោយចេញសម្លេងមកខ្លាំងពេក។ នាយយើងត្រាំអាវុធក្នុងនោះបន្តិច ក៏ចាប់ផ្ដើមយោគត្រគាកបោកផ្ទប់មួយៗ តែលិចកប់ៗដល់គល់។ លក្ខិណាប្រឹងខាំមាត់ ដៃចាប់ខ្ញាំកម្រាលពូក បញ្ចេញខ្យល់មក ស៊ឺត....សត..ៗៗ តាមជើងធ្មេញ។ ចំណេករិទ្ធីចេះតែបុករុកពីក្រោមគ្មានសំចៃ ព្រោះរន្ធរបស់នាងពិតជាតឹងណែនស្រួលណាស់ ទោះជានាងមិននៅហ្ស៊ីនក៏ដោយ ក៏មិនដូចជាប្រដាប់ស្រីលក់ខ្លួនដែលគេធ្លាប់ទៅលេងជាមួយអ្នកធ្វើការជាមួយគ្នា ឡើងរលុងឃ្សុចនោះដែរ។
លេងក្បាច់នេះមួយសន្ទុះ រិទ្ធីបានឡើងទៅដេកផ្ងារលើគ្រែ ហើយអោយលក្ខិណាឡើងអង្គុយពីលើវិញម្ដង។ លក្ខិណាឡើងមកអង្គុយយ៉ាងស៊ប់ ចាប់ស្នូលដាក់ចូលរន្ធរបស់នាង រួចនាងចាប់ផ្ដើមអង្រួនរែងខ្លួនចុះឡើង យោលយោគ ដៃច្រត់ទៅក្រោយ ត្រគាករឹតតែរែងខ្លាំងទៅៗ សងសឹកនាយយើងវិញយ៉ាងទាន់ហន់។ នាយយើងក៏របូតសម្លេង អឹស អឹស ម្ដងៗដែរ។ ដៃទាំងគូរបស់នាយក៏មិនទុកអោយទំនេរដែរ បានចាប់សុដន់របស់នាងច្របាច់លេង ឈ្លីចុងឡើងរឹងកម្ព្រឹស ដើម្បីជួយផ្ដល់ភាពស្រៀវស្រើបអោយនាងកាន់តែខ្លាំង។
លក្ខិណាកាន់តែរែងខ្លាំងទៅ រហូតបែកពពុះសស្គុល ប្រឡាក់ពេញគល់រោមនិងប្លោក ធ្វើអោយដំបងសិល្ប៏កាន់តែរអិលខ្លាំង ងាយស្រួលរែងដោយគ្មានឧបសគ្គ នាងយោគខ្លួនកាន់តែខ្លាំងទៅដោយមិនខ្ចីបើកភ្នែកមើលអ្វីឡើយ រហូតដល់កម្លោះយើងទ្រាំលែងបាន ដាច់កង់ត្រឹមនេះ បាញ់ទឹកពេញក្នុងរូងស្នេហ៍របស់នាង ច្រូច ច្រូច ច្រូច....តែលក្ខិណានៅមិនទាន់បញ្ឈប់ភ្លាមទេ នាងនៅតែឱប.ក នាយយើងជាប់ អង្គុយរុសចុះឡើងៗ ទាល់តែនាគរាជទន់ក រងៀកដេកស្ដូកស្ដឹង ទើបនាងឈប់សកម្មភាព។
ពេញមួយយប់នោះ កម្លោះជនបទរិទ្ធី បានភ្លក្សរសជាតិក្រមុំទីក្រុងរហូតដល់ទៅបួនដង ហើយរយៈពេលក្រោយមកទៀត ពួកគេតែងតែណាត់ជួបគ្នាលេងល្បែងស្នេហាជាញឹកញាប់។
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